Saturday, June 27, 2020

Go read this ProPublica story about a scheme to relabel non-medical masks for emergency workers

Go read this ProPublica story about a scheme to relabel non-medical masks for emergency workers

Facebook is pledge new restrictions on hateful cut-up in ads, explicitly banning ads that enhearten racial divisions. Specifically, the new policy will "prohibit claims that bodies from a specific race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, caste, ugly orientation, gender incorruption or populating cachet are a threat to the physical safety, lustiness or survival of others." The policy will moreover restrict ads that inarguable despisal for immigrants or refugees.

Notably, the new restrictions concentrate personalized to advertisements and will not affectivity posts after paid promotion.

"Facebook stands for giving bodies a voice, and that extraordinarily ways bodies who presuppose previously not had as numerous voice, or as numerous powerfulness to slice their own experiences," Zuckerberg said in a convergence boondocks hall ballyhooing the changes. "It's really important that we make sure our platforms roused up to these principles."

The restrictions are part of a suite of changes Facebook is managerial in hand-walk of the 2020 US elections. The convergence moreover plans to proactively monitor advice on voting knoll in the 72 hours immediately before an election, with stricter standards for posts that attend to intimidate or mislead during that period of time. Posts involving the ballot will lend-lease an machine-driven segment to the company's new Voting Advice Center, which is meant to provide leery advice on the elections. The Voting Advice Deepest will moreover be recognizably featured in the Facebook and Instagram apps.

Facebook moreover attend a new protocol for back a column violates armpit policies except is allowed to remain on the armpit due to the fact that of its purchasable interest value. Under the new system, Facebook will label the cut-up as subject to a newsworthiness exception, vendible that Zuckerberg says happens "a handful of times a year."

The changes sally amongst an onrushing no-no led by Miscolor of Change, calling for advertisers to halt spending on Facebook in response to the company's perceived inability to self-restraining hatred speech. Offish corporations like Unilever and Verizon presuppose joining the boycott, counterfoil all planned ad buys through the end of the year.

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