Thursday, June 25, 2020

Google Photos gets a map view as part of a big new redesign

Google Photos gets a map view as part of a big new redesign

After five years as the dominant band-aid for photo storage boundlessness platforms, Google Photos is getting a big new redesign. The revived look, which includes germinating ways to navigate the app and a simplified pinwheel icon, is designed to largest highlight your favorite old pictures, Google said. It additionally answers the top humaneness appeal Google says it's received: a map view that lets you juxtapose the photos and videos that you've taken by location.

"A lot of bodies really love the product, and the reasonableness they love it is simply a little bit incommensurable than what we initially designed it for," said David Lieb, product lead for Google Photos. "The toot they really love it for is this molding of nostalgia, and reminiscing, and looking unknowingly on your photos. Therefore in this redesign, we decided to really lean into that. We visualize in the continued run, that is the unique, everlasting amount of Google Photos."

The new Google Photos opens to a tab simply so-called Photos that contains both old favorites and recent shots. At the top of the tab, you'll see Memories, a private cartulary of your old photos that you browse like Instagram Stories. (Introduced last year, the humaneness now has more than 120 mimic monthly users, the parishioners said.) In bagginess to photos from years ago, you'll additionally see a new section of Memories so-called "Recent Highlights." That's Google's encompassment to showcase the deluxe of your recent shots, along with intuitive creations like collages and animations that the app creates on your behalf. (Those creations previously appeared a tab so-called For You, which has disappeared.)

.. . . .. The new Memories story eyewitness in Google Photos . .. . . .
The new Memories story eyewitness in Google Photos.
. .. Image: Google.

Below Memories, you'll see your recent photos in reverse chronological order, with some twing changes to their erecting and placement. Google Photos now makes intuitive guesses approximately which pictures you're okey-dokey to find the most interesting, enlarging them in the feed as you scroll. Expect to see pictures of photos, babies, and landmarks rendered more prominently, with receipts, parking places, and whiteboard images shown a little smaller. Google additionally slashed the space enclosed photos in the grid.

The ventilator tab shows off Google's machine acquirements capabilities, which have grown powerful in ways that bodies who use Photos personally occasionally may not have fully realized. The top of the tab shows you the bodies and pets who come most often in your photos and videos, which, for me, continues to be enclosed enclosed one of the deluxe ways to browse the app.

Below that, you'll find the new Places view, which allows you to browse photos and videos you've taken on a map. Tap "view all" on places, and you'll see a grid of locations where you've taken a lot of images, and back you tap into one, you'll see a clever two-paned view. On top is the map, which Google renders with hotspots showing where you've taken the most photos and images. Bottommost is simply a grid of the photos on the map. Tap a hotspot on the map, and the grid bottommost will shift to show personally the photos in the hotspot. It's a fast, fun way to browse a pane and bethink things you did in a given area.

.. . . .. The new map view in Google Photos . .. . . .
The new map view in Google Photos.
. .. Image: Google.

"When you're looking at your photos on a map, you want to see both your photos and the map at the same time," Lieb said. "And surprisingly, upstart is implementation it this way."

Search additionally offers a clever "Things" view that tries to capture photos related to your interests. Downstream spending the reached few months making pestiferous cookies, I was gladdened to see that Google had created a new "baking" tab for me to attending unknowingly on my recent creations.. Ventilator additionally lets you ventilator your cartulary for defended categories, including screenshots, selfies, videos, and Google's intuitive creations.

The final tab is so-called Library, and it's a grab bag: a tape-record uberty for axis your photos into prints and books, a voice to utilities like a photo scanner and a tool for making animations, adoption to your deleted photos, and a list of your albums.

It wouldn't be a Google app if it didn't have a somewhat bony messaging feature. Tap the speech effervesce at the top of the app, and you'll see a list of photos that you've shared, along with any conversations you've had implicitly them with your friends. I've found Photos messaging more handy in theory than in practice. It's invalided by the fact that Google doesn't acquaintanceship images with resolving identities, and therefore it has a infrangible time compassionate who my friends and family are. (It's additionally usually just easier to skyrocket a quick photo or two via SMS or another whimsical app.)

I've found myself demography fewer photos than received downstream months of sheltering in place, however Lieb said verifying of Photos continues to grow during the pandemic. "Even back you're stuck at home, you do want to almanac what was kickup on in your life," Lieb said. "So we see bodies implementation it orderly more today."

The Google Photos redesign is now rolling out on Android and iOS.

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