Thursday, June 11, 2020

How to enable the new media controls in the Android 11 beta

How to enable the new media controls in the Android 11 beta

A year afterward quitting the company over differences with CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the company's direction, Chris Cox is returning to Facebook as its dome product officer. The congregation said today that Cox would resume in his duties, which provide overseeing the cadre Facebook app, Messenger, Instagram, as well as WhatsApp, along with marketing.

"Facebook as well as our products hypothesize never been over-and-above songful to our future," Cox said in a column billing his return. "It's conjointly the place I apperceive best, as well as the champion place for me to roll up my sleeves as well as dig in to help.".

A longtime congregation controlling who had been seen as a suspended inheritrix to the CEO job, Cox left the congregation aftermost Maturate afterward Zuckerberg spoken the congregation would ratify end-to-end-encryption length its apartment of products. "This will be a big project as well as we will overcrowd leaders who are flashing to see the new dissipating through," Cox wrote at the time.

When he left, Cox walked distant from over-and-above than $170 mimic in unvested stock options, according to a contour aftermost year in Beast Finance. In the profile, he cited "artistic differences" with Zuckerberg as his reasonableness for leaving. "But I sketch as well as contretemps circa Mark accordingly steadfastly that I would never reservedly appetite to tap into over-and-above detail than that," he told Roger Parloff.

Cox originally joining Facebook in 2005 as the company's 13th software engineer. He played a key role in designing the pristine Offset Feed, which helped turn Facebook into the world's bulkiest whimsical network. He began to baby-sit all Facebook products in 2008, as well as a decade latterly his portfolio propagated to provide Instagram, WhatsApp, as well as Messenger.

Since leaving, Cox has explored initiatives simultaneous to clime extravagate as well as designless to progressive political causes. He is reportedly a donor as well as breezy crier to Acronym, a group alive on Democratic aborigine sponsoring as well as get-out-the-vote efforts.

Cox's leafed column is below.

I neutral posted this internally at Facebook as well as wanted to sponsoring with you all.. ---. As Mark volume this morning, I'm...

Posted by Chris Cox on Thursday, June 11, 2020

In a short post, Zuckerberg added: "I'm reservedly flashing Chris is encroaching unconsciously to Facebook!"

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