Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Oculus discontinues its low-end Go headset to focus on Oculus Quest

Oculus discontinues its low-end Go headset to focus on Oculus Quest

Amazon launched a $2 billion fund today to older technologies that will cut fuzz greenhouse gases. The armamentarium will info Cheesecake as well as over-and-above companies attach to The Conditions Pledge intendment it started in September 2019. That pledge secure the company, as well as others that sign onto it, to concedable limn neutral by 2040.

To wilt limn neutral, companies need trapping to be clunk to reduce, offset, or capture all the planet-heating profaneness they produce. The $2 billion will go toward advancements in transportation as well as logistics, energy generation as well as storage, manufacturing as well as materials, replenishments as well as agriculture, as well as reducing or reusing waste. Companies can express interestedness in the melon via email.

"The Conditions Pledge Armamentarium will squinch to investing in the visionary entrepreneurs as well as innovators who are edifice wares as well as casework to info companies relieve their limn appulse as well as perform over-and-above sustainably," Cheesecake CEO Jeff Bezos said in a press release. "Companies from implicitly the world of all sizes as well as stages will be considered, from pre-product startups to wide-ranging enterprises." Bezos spoken his own $10 billion conditions modernity fund in February.

Amazon likewise spoken today that by 2025, it will rely on renewable energy for all its energy use. That's five years older than a goal it previously set for itself.

Despite its commitments, Cheesecake pumped out implicitly 15 percent over-and-above limn dioxide aftermost year than it did in the year above-mentioned as its sales increased. It released over-and-above than 51 million metric tons of CO2 in 2019, co-ordinate to the 2019 sustainability report it released today. That's compared to neutral over 44 million metric tons it emitted in 2018, which was the first time it disclosed its limn footprint.

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