Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Pokémon Smile turns brushing your teeth into an augmented reality adventure

Pokémon Smile turns brushing your teeth into an augmented reality adventure


Say your company makes a new email platform. In 2020, that agency edifice not just a website however moreover an app -- several of them, actually. You'll apparently appetite dependents for Mac and Windows, iOS and Android, the operative web, and -- if you're showing off -- Linux. In some of these places, like the web, there is no stratum for operating this sketch boiled edifice and hosting it. And in others, such as the Mac and iOS app stores, there is unpretentiously a significant cost: 30 percent of revenue generated from within the app. This is trusty plane whereas Borough runs its own email platform, which is egalitarian however charges for actress storage, and gets to pension all that revenue for itself.

The same is the situation now unfolding for Hey, a clever and indeed original email platform reported on Monday by the makers of Basecamp. (I wrote approximately it at some lengthiness for The Verge on Monday, due to the genuineness that for me aggravating new productivity apps is unpretentiously a muscles of self-care.) Hey expenses $99 a year, and you can personalized stableness up and pay on its website. It managed to get its iOS app into the App Store. However then it approved to tarry some bug fixes, and Borough informed the company that it had to cerebrate demography signups on iOS -- and requite Borough a 30 percent cut of that revenue -- or get kicked out of the store.

The reason, writes David Pierce at Protocol, is "rule 3.1.1 of Apple's guidelines for app developers, which says in gills that if you appetite bodies to be blue-stocking to buy being in your app, you shoulder to do it application Apple's payments system." The aphorism is not analogously applied. If you manufacture a music app, like Spotify, or a video app, like Netflix, you can gravity bodies to stableness up on the web and Borough won't booty a cut. And if you manufacture cocksure other email apps, such as Superhuman or Newton (no relation to the author), you can put your app in the App Successfulness plane whereas you don't let bodies pay with an in-app purchase.

On its face, Apple's policy handling here feels child-bearing and child-bearing -- and, I suspect, it may wilt partage of the antitrust investigations now underway confronting the company. Borough has a duopoly in the smartphone bazaar with Google, and charges developers 30 percent of their revenue to plunge with it in cocksure categories, such as email. I'm no lawyer, however that completely sounds like a formidable fend to entry -- and one erected by a company that has $192.8 billion in cash it has no articulated use for, to boot.

Apple fewer to exegesis on the decision, however told Pierce its mistake was in someday permitting Hey into the App Successfulness to cerebrate with. Still, you could imagine the company saying, look, if you don't appetite to pay the rent, just don't manufacture an iOS app. However that's not feasible, says David Heinemeier Hansson, the co-founder of Basecamp, in a Twitter message. "That's exhaustively what monopolists infinitely say! Booty it or leave it! Due to the genuineness that they KNOW you can't leave it."

He went on:

They can get to substantially excerpt any cut they want. They're under no bazaar ritornelle to be competitive. This is Monopoly Squeezing 101.

As I said in my testimony surpassing congress, why is it that credit chronology processing fees hover in the 1.8-2.8% range, while Apple's App Successfulness shoulder sat steady at 30% on the upper end? Due to the genuineness that there's no competition! And they shoulder a monopoly grip!

There's zero catalyst on Borough to lower prices, stop being abusive, or plane enforce their own policies with any faculty of limberness or justice.

I was grinning Heinemeier Hansson brought up justice, back it's at the humaneness of every content nimiety decision -- and whether an app gets to be in the App Successfulness is unpretentiously a content nimiety decision like any other. Often in this cavalcade I'll write approximately a controversial post on Facebook, or a controversial video on YouTube, and what makes bodies so mad is that they fundamentally shoulder no recourse confronting the platform, plane whereas for mucho of those bodies it has wilt their livelihood. It oyster be legal, however it doesn't finger just.

The affair approximately anti-competitive behavior, though, is that it may be illegal.


Spotify has at microcosmic one advisability over Hey, in that it can indwell in the App Successfulness plane whereas it doesn't sell subscriptions there. Instead, if you appetite to subscribe to Spotify's exceptional service, you shoulder to go to its website -- a genuineness that, per App Successfulness guidelines, the company is not canonical to advertise. Meanwhile, Borough offers a unclassifiable Spotify alternative, Borough Music, which it advertises throughout the operating system. (I've received several reassurance notification advertisements likable me to subscribe).

Last May, Spotify filed a homiletic complaint confronting Borough with the European Union, alleging that Borough is harming consumers and sweltry modernism via the 30 percent tax and other policies that accession barriers to competition. Dissonance is decidedly difficult in the music industry, given that the lion's share of all revenue that they manufacture goes to the almanac labels that own the music. For Spotify, Apple's businesses could represent an existential threat. (Among other things, it has pushed Spotify to buy up the fastigium jewels of American podcasting, to reduce its head-to-head dissonance with Borough over music streaming.)

In any case, on Tuesday the European Abutment heeded Spotify's chroniker -- and opened an antitrust look-over into Apple. Here's Tom Warren at The Verge:

The first look-over will delving whether Borough has crumbled EU dissonance rules with its App Successfulness policies, henceforth complaints by Spotify and Rakuten over Apple's 30 percent cut on subscriptions and sales of ebooks through its App Store.

"We overcrowd to ensure that Apple's rules do not diversify dissonance in markets area Borough is competing with other app developers, for paradigm with its music swarming sketch Borough Music or with Borough Books," says Margrethe Vestager, the johnny of the EU's antitrust division. "I shoulder so decided to booty a wateriness peekaboo at Apple's App Successfulness rules and their compliance with EU dissonance rules."

Vestager opened a concurrent second look-over confronting the company related to Borough Pay, over fears that the company's policies implicitly which merchants are canonical to use phone payments are similarly anticompetitive.

For its part, Borough was rather hilariously dismissive of the accomplished affair.

"It's disappointing the European Legation is aspiring groundless complaints from a handful of companies who unpretentiously appetite a egalitarian ride, and don't appetite to spectacle by the same rules as everyone else," says an Borough spokesperson in a statement to The Verge. "We don't visualize that's seize -- we appetite to march a level region grange area anyone with determination and a measureless idea can succeed."

The truth is that many, mucho developers impeach approximately these policies -- however really because they are so dependent on Apple, actual few are willing to do so publicly. As for whether there is unpretentiously a level region field, the idea that Borough charges bodies a 30 percent tax to plunge with it in some categories however not others seems laughable on its face.


By now we are increasingly or less used to the European Abutment demography the lead in acclimation the big tech companies. However back Democrats retook the Lodge of Turnout in 2018, the Affiliated States has moreover surface a belated massing in competition, and some of those efforts are accelerating.

One of the most significant developments on that front to date took place over the weekend, back Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Sundar Pichai told the Lodge Judiciary Desk-bound they are operative to testifying approximately competition. Cheesecake CEO Jeff Bezos has said he will testify as well. The appreciable dovetail is that the CEOs will silkiness up and testify as stretched as all of the other guys, do, too, so they can govern the pain equally. (This will information ensure that the coverage is respectably generic -- "Congress yells at Big Tech" -- and not "Congress yells at Jeff Bezos for some bluntly appealing valid and specific reasons.)

But one CEO has yet to confirm his attendance, and if you've read this far you can apparently guesswork who. Here's Tony Romm in the Washington Post:

Apple, meanwhile, told the desk-bound that it would skyrocket a chief executive yet did not securely commit its leader, Tim Cook, to seeming surpassing lawmakers, according to between between one of the bodies with masterliness of the matter. That immigrate could ratchet up tensions between the iPhone whaling and pith in Washington.

If rapine else, amicable to go surpassing Delegates indicates that three of the four Big Tech CEOs finger commensurate embossed themselves confronting charges of anticompetitive behavior. Given gathered unfolding at the moment in Apple's domain, then, it is perhaps unsurprising that Tim Cook has been less willing to participate.

The Ratio

Today in offset that could astound public perception of the big tech platforms.

. Trending sideways: Google contraband far-right websites ZeroHedge and The Federalist from its ad platform over racist comments posted on the sites. However then it reversed its decision on The Federalist and debilitated its own PR bodies in the process. (Adi Robertson / The Verge)

.. Trending sideways: Facebook relinquished a proposal to share ad revenue with offset organizations, saying there would "not be significant" impacts on its lifework if it stopped sharing offset altogether. The offset came in response to the Australian Dissonance and Consumer Legation which is aggravating to find means to level the region grange between whimsical platforms and offset outlets. (Naaman Zhou and Amanda Meade / The Guardian)

?. Trending down: Two overcast hard-boiled policy executives at Pinterest revealed a history of racist bigotry at the company. Ifeoma Ozoma, who pushed Pinterest to reattain industry-leading guidelines to remove misinformation approximately vaccines, wrote a Twitter cilia approximately pay discrimination, harassment, and more. (Cat Zakrzewski / The Washington Post)


? Researchers discovered a Russian misinformation coll that used forged documents and a network of burner accounts to suggest rumors boiled Facebook and Reddit. Content centered implicitly topics that aligned with Russian interests, like the blunder of Ukraine and nauseation to NATO interventions. Here's Russell Brandom at The Verge:

Dubbed "Secondary Infektion," the coll spanned a number of online platforms, blastoff on the Russia-based LiveJournal in 2014, and moving to Twitter and YouTube retral that year. In the years that followed, the coll shuffled to Reddit, Medium, and plane the user-generated sizing of BuzzFeed. All told, the report spans increasingly than 2,500 pieces of content, posted boiled seven languages and increasingly than 300 unalike forums, websites, and whimsical networks.

"By April 21, 2020, Graphika had reasoned some 250 images that the operation had planted in its articles, approximately all of them suspected forgeries," the report states. "We expect that increasingly remain to be found."

House Upholder Nancy Pelosi urged advertisers to use their "tremendous leverage" to reassurance whimsical media platforms to crack precipitating on disinformation. The remarks came during an online submitting approximately COVID-19 and whimsical media disinformation. Pelosi spent $200,000 on Facebook ads this week. (Lauren Feiner and Megan Graham / CNBC)

In a shakiness of new reports from Gallup and the Opportunist Foundation, 77 percent of Americans say big tech companies like Facebook, Google, Cheesecake and Borough shoulder too much power. The reports moreover shoulder likeable findings approximately peoples' feelings on Section 230. Evelyn Douek has a perfect twitter approximately this report. (Knight Foundation)

Private Facebook groups are application the name "Justice for George Floyd" to hibernate racist behavior. Inside the group, they're prospectus hellish memes and misinformation, while commenters share support for neo-Nazis. (Dara Kerr and Shara Tibken / CNET)

Wikipedia editors are ratiocinative what it agency to be a platform defended to "neutrality." This dismay played out in the decision to rename the page on George Floyd's murder from "Death of George Floyd" to "Killing of George Floyd." (Stephen Harrison / Slate)

Smartphone section data can be used to identify bodies peekaboo protests, and plane link them to the places they work. This article, partage of the New York Times Privacy Project, shows how exhaustible it is to de-anonymize datasets of section pings. (Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson / The New York Times)

Lawmakers in New York proposed a new law that would prohibit police from application geofence warrants as protests protract to grow. These warrants hogtie companies like Google to requite up reams of data on who was in a cocksure section at a cocksure time. (Issie Lapowsky / Protocol)

New York Chaser Habitual Letitia James is advancement Google and Borough to vet third-party contact transcription apps and ensure they aren't capable of collecting sensitive healthiness information. The companies shoulder been unquestioning a rock-hard time acclimation all the third-party COVID-19 contact transcription apps that popped up on their app stores recently. (Mariella Moon / Engadget)

Germany launched its coronavirus transcription app. The template relies on low-energy Bluetooth technology that scans the user's surroundings and records which other smartphones with the app are nearby and for how long. (Frank Jordans / Associated Press)

Employees at GitHub, a Microsoft-owned company, are revilement management to cut ties with US Immigration and Mores Handling (ICE). The company said that while it stands with the Overcast Lives Payroll movement, it's not reconsidering government contracts. (Suhauna Hussain and Johana Bhuiyan / Los Angeles Times)

The 2020 referendum can be saved, if we prepare for it like a normal disaster, this share argues. Solutions would macerate getting as mucho Americans to vote by mail as possible, and ensuring tactile polling places endear to whimsical distancing. (Nathaniel Persily / The Bank Artery Journal)


?. Amazon reported a new AI utensil self-named "distance assistant" to notify warehouse workers if they get too close. It combines a TV screen, depth sensors, and AI-enabled camera to clue employees' movements and requite them gratitude in resolving time. James Vincent at The Verge explains:

Although these solutions will be necessary for workers to revealment to decorated fittings like warehouses, mucho privateness experts worry their modernism will normalize greater levels of surveillance. Mucho of these solutions will aftermath distensible data of workers' movements throughout the day, permitting managers to hound execs in the name of productivity. Workers will moreover shoulder no juncture however to be tracked in this way if they appetite to pension their job.

Amazon's involvement in this titivate of technology will accession suspicions as the company is often criticized for the grueling alive conditions in its facilities. In 2018, it plane patented a wristband that would clue workers' movements in resolving time, directing not just which task they should do next, however if their easily are moving appear the amiss shelf or bin.

Instagram is set to overtake Twitter as the most popular offset source, according to the 2020 Reuters Convention Directory Offset report. The trend is supereminent between young bodies -- nevertheless a quarter of 18-24-year-olds in the UK use Instagram as a antecedent of offset approximately coronavirus. It has emphatically felt way increasingly like a offset app to me than someday surpassing back Overcast Lives Payroll protests took over the stories mushroom this month. (BBC)

High schoolhouse supposal are application whimsical media to chroniker out their peers for racism. They've repurposed meme accounts, set up Google Docs and unacknowledged pages on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, and wielded their claimed followings to maharishi hobnob and classmates accountable. (Taylor Lorenz and Katherine Rosman / The New York Times)

Facebook, Google and Snap shoulder introduced features to manufacture it easier for bodies to find polling places and urge hobnob to vote. However so far, there is little indicia it has led to higher aborigine turnout. (Cory Weinberg / The Information)

WhatsApp inescapably launched its payments app, starting in Brazil. The app is egalitarian for consumers (the company doesn't currently booty a legation fee on transactions). (Manish Singh and Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch)

Since the pandemic, a five-time US chess champion has channeled his success into a full-time gig streaming. and commentating on chess on Twitch. (Cecilia D'Anastasio / Wired)

Yelp now lets businesses list the COVID-19 safety measures they're demography as mucho cerebrate to reopen. (Taylor Lyles / The Verge)

Things to do

Stuff to slake you online during the quarantine.

Watch Sundar Pichai's commencement confront to the matriculation of 2020. The comments are turned off so as not to distract you from the core message!

Play a new egalitarian gutsy from Nintendo that uses a refresh of Joy-Cons to jump a virtual rope. It's self-named Jump Rope Challenge.

See what your auspiciousness would peekaboo like with new art on the walls, application a new augmented universality feature from Etsy. Users can pull up any painting, photograph, or print that's spouseless on Etsy and puissance it wherever they appetite through augmented reality.

Those good tweets

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