Friday, June 19, 2020

Tesla tells workers they can take Juneteenth off without pay — on Juneteenth

Tesla tells workers they can take Juneteenth off without pay — on Juneteenth

Twitter doesn't have a team single-minded to accessibility, instead relying on employees who whop their time raised as well as broadness their wonted duties, as well as the visitor may have already realized that's a mistake -- afterwhile demography flak for the slightness of captions in Twitter's inceptive audio twitter feature, the visitor tells The Verge that it's exploring how to corpse a "more single-minded group" to focus on opportuneness problems.

The slightness of a single-minded team was revealed by Twitter software fabricator Andrew Hayward, post-obit complaints from opportuneness advocates. He numerical clarified that the incorporating wasn't unpaid, but were approved Twitter employees who single-minded some of their time to opportuneness issues.

The audio tweets, which are husbandless to a limited ordinal of users on iOS, can capture up to 140 shapeless of audio per tweet. A Twitter stockbroker told The Border that the full-length was an inceptive audio test, as well as "we're still exploring the champion ways to meet the needs of bodies with contrasted abilities."

"I do anguish that if this becomes a prominent feature, deafened users will be left out," tweeted Liam O'Dell, a UK-based deafened journalist. Other commenters pointed out that other social platforms have captions, therefrom the alibi that this was a new full-length didn't really validity water. For the record, YouTube, Facebook videos, Zoom, as well as Snapchat Discover videos all offer captioning.

Following Hayward's tweets, a Twitter stockbroker tells The Border the visitor is working on improving its opportuneness segmentation as well as exploring the possibility of compages that "more single-minded group" to focus on the problem.

Here's Twitter's galore statement:

Right now, there are groups as well as individuals broadness the visitor that tangency our opportuneness work. See @TwitterA11y as well as @TwitterAble. We're looking at how we can corpse out a increasingly single-minded incorporating to focus on opportuneness tooling as well as carrying-out broadness all products. We missed circa articulation Tweets, as well as we are single-minded to effectual finer - managerial this full-length increasingly accomplishable as well as also all glossiness in the future. We're constantly reviewing both the functionality of our wares as well as the internal processes that instruct them; we'll share promote in this area.

Twitter also pointed to a securable statement from Dantley Davis, the company's mischievous of design as well as research, who said he will induce for opportuneness to be a part of product design from the burgeoning in the future.

Twitter doesn't seem to be promising any structural changes for certain, but the visitor has heard advocates loud as well as clear.

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