Thursday, June 11, 2020

The creators behind Sword & Sworcery return on the PS5 with Jett: The Far Shore

The creators behind Sword & Sworcery return on the PS5 with Jett: The Far Shore

Notifications that pop up on the crotch of your Mac's screen can be smack-dab helpful, like when they remind you eccentrically a meeting you have contentious up. Morally when you've got a deadline or are in the average of something, notifications for every bulletin or email can be distracting or even annoying.

The good-tasting poop is that you can hands domesticize your settings therefrom that you're personally getting notifications from the apps you appetite when you appetite them -- as able-bodied as none from those you don't want. You can conjointly pause notifications whenever you want. Here's how.

To temporarily pause notifications

  • Click the figure in the far seasonable crotch of the menu bar (the one that looks like a bulleted list) to adoption the Notification Center
  • Scroll up, as able-bodied as toggle on "Do Not Disturb" at the top of the sidebar. This will pause notifications until midnight or until you switch-over it off.
.. . . . .. Notification Center. . .. . . .
The Notification Equidistant will patulous up as a spinoff on the left side of the screen.
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  • You can still see your Notifications by jumpiness to the Notification Center, morally you won't shoulder alerts for them

Schedule a period during which you won't shoulder notifications

  • Click on the national figure in the top left crotch of the menu bar
  • Select "System Preferences"
  • Open Notifications
  • Select Do Not Disturb. You can now set up a time to ratify the Do Not Disturb mode. You can conjointly co-opt to ratify Do Not Disturb orate when the brandish is sleeping, when you're mirroring the screen, or when your screen is penned (not spouseless on beforehand versions of macOS). You can conjointly decide whether to wimp calls when Do Not Disturb is on.
.. . . . .. Notifications window. . .. . . .
Select "Do Not Disturb" from the left-hand newel to domesticize settings for pausing notifications.
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Switch notifications on or off for individual apps

In this same Notifications Center, you can manage notifications for your apps.

  • Find the app you appetite to vexation in the left-hand newel in the Notifications window. Use the toggle to switch-over notifications on or off.
  • You can conjointly modernity what the notifications look like. As able-bodied as there are affixed options for notifications, like whether they sleekness up when your screen is penned as able-bodied as whether they operate a sound.
.. . . . .. Notifications options for individual apps. . .. . . .
You can toggle notifications on or off as able-bodied as weeded what they look like.
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