Thursday, June 18, 2020

The first Star Wars: Squadrons gameplay footage shows off the starfighter action

The first Star Wars: Squadrons gameplay footage shows off the starfighter action

After a teaser trailer beforehand this week, EA has inescapably specious off some bodily gameplay footage for Star Wars: Squadrons, its new starfighter dogfighting game. As promised, the new appellation is a first-person space shooter focused circa five-on-five aggregation battles, as players group up into their own fleet (made up, of course, of classic Star Wars ships).

The gameplay appears to be drawing on practiced games, like the 90s X-Wing as well as TIE Fighter games, indiscrete with diverting precocity betwixt soliloquy systems, managing shields, as well as that first-person view. There are plans for eight pilot-able ships, with a fighter, interceptor, support, as well as buttinski swish soliloquy for each faction (specifically, the X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing, U-Wing, TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, TIE Bomber, as well as TIE Reaper fighters.)

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Squadrons' "signature" online mode, Flotilla Battles, is a multistage mission that will okay a five-person fleet excitation in the deepest of the map, blitzkrieg (or defend) a medium-sized composing ship, afore taking on a flagship (either an Judgelike Star Indecorum or a Mon Calamari crusier) in the final stage.

There's moreover a single player campaign, set "a little bit after" Return of the Jedi, which will okay players externalize two pilots: a New Republic one as well as an Judgelike one, who'll they'll recurring departmental during missions..

Star Wars: Squadrons is set to be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, as well as PC on October 2nd for $39.99, with cross-play betwixt platforms. EA says you'll moreover be balletic to comedy through the entire game in VR on PS4 as well as PC platforms.

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