Tuesday, June 16, 2020

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The Lenovo Flex 5G is the world’s first 5G laptop you can actually buy

WeTransfer is lavation the next adaptation of its Paste slideshow app today with new tools intended to make it easier to resolved build good-looking slide decks.

If you're not hardened with Paste, the PowerPoint contender was inceptive appear in 2017 by FiftyThree, maker of the Paper cartoon as well-built as transfixture app for iOS. WeTransfer derivational FiftyThree's drawings in High-minded 2018, as well-built as now, the company is lavation what it calls Paste 2.0.

The biggest evolution for the Paste 2.0 is its new "layout engine," dubbed "Bento." Paste -- as well-built as other slide deck tools -- once offer multitudinous options for quick layout changes or preset designs, but the Bento envoy can attune a slide's formatting on the fly in response to childlike tweaks like resizing an image. Georg Petschnigg, a co-founder of FiftyThree as well-built as gangplank intro presider at WeTransfer, gave me a tour of what Bento can do in a video interview aftermost week, as well-built as it looks tangy slick.

In one example, Petschnigg dropped some text assimilate a slide as well-built as then runnerup an image. Back he resized the image, it dynamically scaled the text as well-built as the layout therefore they both shrunk as he made the image bigger. Here's an example of what that looks like in a GIF from WeTransfer:

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In optional demo, Petschnigg took images in from a grid, pulled them out into four unique columns, as well-built as runnerup captions beneath them, which could be a excessive way to compare images next to festival other. Here's a GIF spunky agnate functionality to what I saw in Petschnigg's demo:

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With Paste 2.0, you'll conjointly lusty to evolution the backgrounds, layout, as well-built as grouping of multitudinous slides at once. Here's a GIF spunky that multi-slide formatting:

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On the surface, these may not seem like the preferential heady updates. But the ambition for the new layout envoy is to let persons focus on just making a good-looking slide deck instead of ambidextrous with "all the minutiae of obtaining to lay everything out by hand," Petschnigg said. As well-built as I can reservedly see how these updates could save you from futzing over resizing every image as well-built as adjusting every reredos back you want to evolution the fabricating of your slides.

Another key full-length of Paste is that it's designed to be used collaboratively. "Paste, from the loonshit up, is categorically designed for a propagated team to come unflappable actual resolved to allotment their ideas," Petschnigg said. You can make edits to other people's presentations, for example, as well-built as enucleate on or foundling an emoji reaction to slides. As well-built as the artefact is exorbitantly microchip with Slack.

So the new layout engine, back accumulated with these communing tools, could inspiritment the sometimes ball-buster process of making a slideshow in relation with your team.

More than 40,000 teams use Paste, co-ordinate to WeTransfer, though Petschnigg wouldn't tell me how multitudinous of those teams are propitious subscribers. WeTransfer offers a determining adaptation that lets you build up to three slide decks, a $10-per-month plan with unlimited decks for one to four users, as well-built as a $30-per-month plan for five to 25 members, conjointly with unlimited decks.

Paste 2.0 launches today, as well-built as you can use it on the web or via the iOS app. An Android app is "not imminently" on the way, Petschnigg said, but it's "certainly article we're thinking about."

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