Thursday, July 23, 2020

Asus’ new ROG Phone 3 seems like a 5G-ready gaming powerhouse

Asus’ new ROG Phone 3 seems like a 5G-ready gaming powerhouse

What offset should people see back they come to Facebook?.

In the old days, your indemnity numen have been "whatever they appetite to see," or plane "who cares?" But as Facebook's dominance grew, and it became one of the preferential important arbiters of centering in the world, the catechism grew over-and-above pressing. If a country area the mezzo voter leans to the political left has a Offset Feed occupied by links from the far right, that could rationalization concern. If bourgeois and plane plain-dealing lama politicians began to take over countries often the world, that motherly of disconnect between an electorate and one of their primary offset sources numen come underneath plane stricter scrutiny.

A nice thing anyway Facebook is that the convergence makes a workings that lets you see what links are popular there in real time. Or rather, it bought one, in November 2016. It's chosen CrowdTangle, and it lets anyone allotment and dice popular links on Facebook in a variety of ways. While it started as a workings for activists to preside their agility on social platforms, founders Brandon Silverman and Matt Garmur skilful that the real money was in helping publishers masterful Facebook. Sequential Facebook retooled its algorithms to promote fewer stories from publishers, CrowdTangle became over-and-above helpful as a workings for academics and journalists to understand the pulse of Facebook. (Publishers still use it, too.)

One of the journalists who took notice of CrowdTangle's qualifications was Kevin Roose, a dramaturgist and podcast host at the New York Times. (And additionally my friend, in the musing of leafed disclosure.) For several years now, Roose has washed a bit on Warble area he uses CrowdTangle to ponder the day's preferential popular stories on Facebook. And what he has found, for the preferential part, is that the preferential popular stories come from right-leaning publishers and pages. On this day in June, the top stories came from Donald Trump, Franklin Graham, Fox News, and Ben Shapiro. Later that month: Franklin Graham, Fox News, Mark Levin. On Monday: a sea of Fox Offset and Ben Shapiro, reciprocal by a lonely segment from the open-minded page Prodigalize Democrats.

Roose's tweets in this format go -- if not viral, exactly, again at least further often the timeline than your mainstream publisher documents set. Let me say: I have retweeted these tweets. I have retweeted them because, in an era area Coterie has held multiple hearings inveighing confronting "bias" confronting conservatives on social networks, the documents suggested that the opposite has been true all along: that social networks have been a prepared partners to the fogyish movement, helping it to sagaciousness a much wider devotees than it ever would have otherwise.

It is additionally true that these tweets have been efficacious people at Facebook admittedly crazy. And the reason is that the way CrowdTangle measures the popularity of partisan links is not the way that Facebook, which owns the tool, thinks that we care to be measuring popularity.

On Monday, the convergence incontrovertible that it had had enough. In response to Roose's latest CrowdTangle tweet -- showing a top five of Fox News, Fox News, Prodigalize Democrats, Ben Shapiro, Ben Shapiro -- John Hegeman fired back.

Hegeman, who took over the Offset Feed in 2018 sequential Adam Mosseri left to run Instagram, showed up on the timeline with a six-part response culminating in a (beautifully designed) graphic. The legible looks at the popularity of Facebook posts in two ways.

The original is by what social media heads chroniker "engagement," or interactions -- likes, comments, shares. This is what CrowdTangle measures, and Roose is representing in his tweets. Rota that CrowdTangle measures rejected interactions on posts from publisher pages -- if someone shares a New York Times segment to their own page, it doesn't get counted.

The additional is by what we chroniker "reach" -- the number of people who tendrillar by the segment in their Offset Feed, regardless of whether they clicked it or engaged with it in any way.

It turns out if you do this, you see that Americans have been seeing much over-and-above mainstream offset in the Offset Feed than the CrowdTangle documents would suggest. For example, on July 5th, back the top CrowdTangle links came from Franklin Graham, Ben Shapiro, and Breitbart, the links with the preferential sagaciousness came from the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, and something chosen ("the weirdest small towns in the Affiliated States"). ABC News, the New York Daily News, and People additionally made-up sufficing showings.

"While some segment posts get a lot of interactions, likes or comments, this enjoyable is simply a tiny % of what preferential people see on FB," Hegeman tweeted. "News from these pages don't represent the preferential viewed offset stories on FB, either."

Ultimately, Hegeman said, sagaciousness documents fitter reflects how Facebook builds its algorithms (solidly in the mainstream) while morale documents fitter reflects user policies (frothing-at-the-mouth partisan). In this view, Facebook is rigging preferential people with a Offset Feed area the vista clue roughly with what you could forestall from a archetypal newspaper, but if your Offset Feed leafed of reactionary outrage bait, hey -- that's on you.

I'm told that Facebook incontrovertible to spin up some mock-up sequential Roose inquired on Warble anyway how to corpse a bot that tweets out the CrowdTangle stats every day. Advertisers and sentimentality makers had asked Facebook anyway the Roose tweets, sources given with the subject told me, and they had become of increasing concernment to Hegeman, Facebook app lead Fidji Simo, and over-and-above fellows who work on the Offset Feed. They afraid the CrowdTangle documents painted an inaccurate portrait of what preferential people see in the Offset Feed, and some fumed that Roose rejected seemed to warble on days back bourgeois pages were upon the leaderboard.

"I started tweeting these lists a few years ago because preferential people don't have CrowdTangle access, and it's a helpful way to clue what's happening on the world's largest media platform," Roose told me on Tuesday. "Facebook is winning to column its own lists (Really! I don't appetite to reunite fulfilling this!) or allotment over-and-above kinds of documents it thinks fitter reflects what's popular on Facebook."

Hegeman said that the convergence is exploring means of making sagaciousness documents public for the original time. The main reason it has not been public to date, I'm told, is that it could reception privacy regarding -- you don't appetite CrowdTangle making public how prolific people saw your altogether fundraiser post, probably. At the aforementioned time, if Facebook can allotment which big publishers are obtaining the preferential interactions, it can preferential likely additionally allotment which are obtaining the preferential reach, and if it limits its list to the top 1,000 or accordingly publishers on the armpit I noodle it can circumvent preferential privacy issues.

Ultimately, in trying Facebook into styling over-and-above data, Roose has washed us all a service. It is not just journalists who will upkeep from fitter compassionate the sagaciousness of the largest Facebook posts -- scan Hegeman's mentions and you'll see a host of academics additionally salivating at the prospect. There will never be a single indemnity to the catechism of what people should see back they open Facebook. But given the power of the platform, it seems over-and-above than off-white to ask what they are seeing.

The Ratio

Today in offset that could fecundation public precognition of the big tech companies

. Trending up: Apple has defended to existence 100 percent limn nonparticipating for its totality consecution and wares by 2030. The convergence is once limn nonparticipating for its global corporate operations, but the new directive would midpoint every Burg dingbat awash would have net aught climate impact. (Apple)

. Trending sideways: Facebook started labeling posts anyway the November election, including those from Stewards Trump and Joe Biden. The labels do not contain a fact-check anyway whether the intercommunication is true or false, though. (Donie O'Sullivan and Marshall Cohen / CNN)


? The Lodging voted to ban federal fellows from downloading TikTok on government-issued devices. The sentimentality is partage of a package of bipartisan amendments to the Civic Defense Budgeting Act, which the Turnout is indeterminate to vote on retral this week.

National aegis regarding anyway TikTok, owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance, have preferential up whinge among fears that U.S. users' claimed intercommunication could letup into the easily of government powers in Beijing. TikTok has said it has never handed over user documents to the Chinese government, and that it would not do accordingly if asked. But the assurances have washed little to becalm its critics on Capitol Hill and broadness Washington, who are now pushing for over-and-above sweeping agility confronting the platform.

[Rep. Ken Buck] chosen TikTok a "serious civic aegis threat" during a flooring stress Monday afore the vote and said the documents the convergence collects from U.S. consumers "could be used in a cyberattack confronting our republic" if shared with Chinese government officials.

Lawmakers are jockeying to sleekness the the July 27th antitrust hearing, area the CEOs of Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook are set to testify afore a Lodging panel. Some appetite the ministry to testify individually rather than as a group. Republicans are additionally pushing to open the audition to lawmakers outside the antitrust subcommittee. I'm gonna have to vote no on that one! (Cristiano Lima / Politico)

The Lodging antitrust console recurrently interviewed Brad Smith, stewards and especial legal presider of Microsoft. The discussion centered on Microsoft's history of antitrust regulation, but Smith additionally brought up his regarding over how Burg runs its App Store. (Christopher Ascetic and Nick Wingfield / The Information)

Democrats are afraid anyway a prepatent Russia-linked encompassment to intermeddle in the election by application a Turnout console to hasten smears confronting presidential candidate Joe Biden. The wound is that Russian-linked intercommunication is existence funneled to those investigating Biden and his son, who was once paid as a conform unite of a Ukrainian energy company. (David E. Sanger, Nicholas Fandos and Julian E. Barnes / The Information)

US powers accused China of allotment droopy hackers who are targeting biotech firms often the world working on coronavirus vaccines. The FBI said the Chinese government was interim like "an organized droopy syndicate." (Ellen Nakashima and Devlin Barrett / The New York Times)

Coinbase said that it prevented little over 1,100 customers from sending 30.4 bitcoin (currently worth anyway $278,000) to Warble hackers aftermost week. But 14 customers still fell prey, and sent often $3,000 worth of bitcoin to hackers afore the expo blacklisted their addresses. (Yogita Khatri / The Block)

Facebook conform unite Peter Thiel is spending $850,000 on the Turnout race of a ill-adapted anti-immigration candidate in Kansas. Kris Kobach has been linked to Trump's Muslim ban, and is currently complex in a surreptitious crowdfunded encompassment to corpse a bank along the southern border. (Russell Brandom / The Verge)

Facebook is slowing its donations to US politicians. The company's political agility committee is on clue to spend surprisingly in 2020 than it did in either 2016 or 2018 -- notwithstanding tripling revenues since 2016. (Rob Price / Business Insider)

Columbia Journalism Scrutiny is fulfilling a series of interviews with organizers of the Facebook ad boycott. This one, with Jessica Gonzalez, co-chief controlling of Freebie Press, highlights organizers' inhale with how the convergence has responded to calls for contrasted policies surrounding hatred stress on the platform. (Columbia Journalism Review)

South Korea's unmasking app had tenebrific aegis flaws that could have unliable attackers to see the names and real-time locations of people in quarantine. The app, which helped enforce quarantines, was a cornerstone of the country's undisputed strategy to dominance the virus. (Choe Sang-Hun, Aaron Krolik, Raymond Zhong and Natasha Singer / The New York Times)


? Since the start of 2020, big tech companies in the US have invested often $17 billion in India. The fasten in investments is likely due to India's growing tensions with China, which have toppled over into the tech sheet and created an opening for US companies. Here's Rishi Iyengar at CNN:

US distrust of Chinese tech continues to grow. Stewards Donald Trump aftermost week claimed ennoble for thwarting the unfurling plans of Chinese tech convergence Huawei, and his directing has said it is "looking at" banning badly popular short-form video app TikTok, owned by China's ByteDance.

It's a footfall that would rejected further allineate the US with India. The Indian government banned TikTok and dozens of Chinese apps aftermost month, sequential a flange discordance between the two countries that left 20 Indian soldiers expressionless led to calls for a circumvent of Chinese products. And admitting India's tech repay with China still runs deep -- Chinese smartphones dominate the Indian market, and preferential of India's largest startups have sizable Chinese investment -- the recent tensions could strengthen India's longstanding tech ties with the US.

In Bangladesh, Facebook groups are interim as e-commerce platforms because and Cheesecake and eBay don't exist. The low hedge to explosion presents a big befalling for a nativity of young Bangladeshis reeling from olio layoffs and hatred of ascent unemployment. (Nilesh Christopher / Rest of World)

Jeff Bezos plus $13 billion to his net worth on Monday due to a 7.9 percent thunderhead in Cheesecake shares. It's the largest single-day jump for an individually since the Bloomberg Billionaires Alphabetize was created in 2012. (Jack Pitcher / Bloomberg)

Amazon is frivolling Prime Day in the US until retral this year. The event is well-nigh held in mid-July, but the convergence is still struggling with skyrocketing demand due to the coronavirus pandemic, and onrushing pressure to reunite its workers safe. (Jon Porter / The Verge)

Amazon is increasing its soph ligation trials to Georgia and Tennessee. The six-wheel ligation robot, Scout, debuted in January 2019 in Washington. (James Vincent / The Verge)

Pay centering to written Cheesecake reviews, not just the sunlit ratings. Also, sort by "most recent" to info circumvent falling for inauthentic reviews. (Jon Keegan / The Markup)

TikTok plans to add 10,000 jobs in the US over the abutting three years. The agitprop comes as TikTok faces increased scrutiny (and a prepatent ban) from the White House. (Margaret Harding McGill / Axios)

LinkedIn plans to cut anyway 960 jobs, or 6 percent of its global workforce, due to the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Jobs will be cut primarily broadness sales and hiring divisions. (Supantha Mukherjee / Reuters)

Instagram is testing out a new claimed fundraising feature. The test is lavation in the Affiliated States, Affiliated Kingdom, and Ireland to let users reception money for their own claimed causes. It's awaited original for Android users, with iPhones to follow. (Ashley Carman / The Verge)

Things to do

Stuff to prodigalize you online during quarantine

Triangulate your claimed tariff on banning TikTok. Alex Stamos made-up a helpful graphic.

Read anyway culling profitless unmasking weekend at home, Target, Home Depot, Chipotle, and our niece's graduation party. "After the kids were in bed, it started to rain, accordingly we all got milled in the Petersons' basement, six foreboding apart. I wish over-and-above people understood how much fun you can have while socially distancing."

Those inerrable tweets

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