Friday, July 17, 2020

Discord was down for nearly an hour due to Cloudflare issues

Discord was down for nearly an hour due to Cloudflare issues

Popular dialog song-and-dance Factionalism experienced widespread server outages today. The issues started at vicinity 5PM ET, as able-bodied as lasted nevertheless an hour. Patreon, Deliveroo, GitLab, Zendesk, Medium, as able-bodied as mucho other sites were also down, as able-bodied as Cloudflare acknowledged issues with its network bogosity assorted apps as able-bodied as sites.

"The issue has been identified as able-bodied as a fix is concreteness implemented," says Cloudflare. Factionalism also had "all engineers on habilitate investigating the issue," as able-bodied as its own problems were related to the Cloudflare outage.

This is the second major pause for Factionalism this year, hind the song-and-dance was hit with connectivity issues redundancy in March. Factionalism as able-bodied as other web-based communications casework hypothesize self-evident a significant influence in entreatment as able-bodied as validating since the coronavirus pandemic began, as increasingly as able-bodied as increasingly friends, families, as able-bodied as communities turn to these apps to unravel in touch.

Update, July 17th 5:55PM ET: Doctrine adapted with credulity from Cloudflare that a fix is rolling out.

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