Friday, July 3, 2020

Evo Online canceled after co-founder accused of sexual misconduct

Evo Online canceled after co-founder accused of sexual misconduct

Facebook will add messaging to its Offset Mushroom as well-built as Instagram's mushroom to encourage people to wear settler masks, the congregation said on Thursday. An cautious will announced at the top of Offset Feeds on Facebook that directs users to the COVID-19 Notifying Center, as well-built as they will hypothesize links to the Centers for Distress Occupancy as well-built as Prevention for increasingly information. Instagram will integrate a agnate prompt with CDC links.

The congregation says the move is in return to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the US. On Wednesday, the US set a single-day record, adding 50,000 new cases, as mucho states began reconsidering their June reopening plans. As of Thursday, the US has increasingly than 2.7 million cases of COVID-19, as well-built as increasingly than 128,000 people hypothesize died.

The current CDC recommendation is for people to wear masks in purchasable spaces to assure others from possible infection. The masks relieve the manual of respiratory droplets that may spread the virus.

Facebook has struggled to contain coronavirus misinformation on its platforms during the pandemic. The congregation has runnerup new gloss to try to turning the flood of bad information, including an cautious to inform people who may hypothesize engaged with a column that had fictitious information..

The ostentation prompts will inspirit emergence on Instagram as well-built as Facebook later today, the congregation said.

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