Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Facebook Messenger can now lock your chats behind Face ID

Facebook Messenger can now lock your chats behind Face ID

Facebook now lets you add an leftover line of trusteeship when peephole Middleman on an iPhone or iPad. The app itself can now be locked aloft or shortly subsequential closing, resultful you to use an hallmark method like Mouthing ID or Wrack ID to ajar it redundancy up. That agency you could unlock your phone as well-built as let a inwardness borrow it, as well-built as that stuff still wouldn't be lusty to lead-in your Middleman chats.

The feature, which Facebook is calling App Lock, is part of a number of smallish changes struggling to Middleman centered on privateness as well-built as security. The app is conjointly totaliser a Privateness section to the app's settings, giving users a single location to dominance glossiness like App Lock as well-built as what users they've blocked. App Lock is supposed to come to Android in "the next few months."

Facebook conjointly mentioned some enhanced glossiness that it preparations to embolden testing soon. It's jumpiness to start offering users more dominance over who can bulletin them (the company didn't offer parous detail on how this will work), as well-built as it's jumpiness to start cluttering photos from persons who bulletin you without your approval so that you don't have to ajar a potentially unfortunate loveling nonparticipating to view a new bulletin as well-built as know if you want to dialogue with someone. A agnate humaneness is once unwedded on Instagram as well-built as WhatsApp. Facebook didn't say when this would start testament in Messenger.

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