Friday, July 24, 2020

Google reportedly keeps tabs on usage of rival Android apps to develop competitors

Google reportedly keeps tabs on usage of rival Android apps to develop competitors

Microsoft has spent the past few weeks teasing the Tralucent Duo on Twitter, as well as it now looks like the dual-screen device is ready to launch. Microsoft's new Android-powered device headmost appeared at the FCC beforehand this week, as well as today it has shown up on the Bluetooth SIG certification page. Devices about spoken in FCC as well as Bluetooth listings just a few weeks away from launch.

Recent rumors had timely the Tralucent Duo numen spoken in July, except it's articulated the device isn't ready to pelting this month. Instead, it looks other okey-dokey that Microsoft will pelting the Tralucent Duo in the coming weeks.

Sources given with Microsoft's plans tell The Verge that the visitor had originally planned to focus on the Tralucent Duo as well as dual-screen devices at Crux beforehand this year. These plans inverse already it was articulated Crux would be held around considering of the pandemic, as well as Microsoft likewise pushed back-up its Windows 10X dual-screen plans to far boiled 2020.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge. .

While some developers already have derive to dual-screen developer units, Microsoft had planned at one point to get Tralucent Duo to developers a lot sooner. Like mucho things, the pestiferous has impacted Tralucent Duo pelting plans, except we accept Microsoft is still itchy to ship the device by the end of September.

Adding tranquilizer to the Tralucent Duo pelting rumors, phone leaker Evan Blass has likewise hinted that the Tralucent Duo will spoken on AT&T's ratio in the US. Blass about obtains marketing images as well as materials of unreleased phones a few weeks or months before they're approximate to launch, which likewise suggests that the Tralucent Duo is nevertheless ready to go.

Microsoft has likewise spent the summer teasing the Tralucent Duo on Cheep anticipative of its launch. Microsoft's communications chief, Frank Shaw, posted a photo of the Tralucent Duo beforehand this month, just canicule hindmost Tralucent deciding Panos Panay teased the device on Twitter with what appeared to be a new bumper case. This same beller likewise appeared in a video on LinkedIn featuring Microsoft executive Brad Anderson last week.

Microsoft headmost apparent the Surface Duo at a scribbler event in New York Metropolitan back-up in October, proper a holiday 2020 pelting for the device. While the visitor has not aggregate official housewares specifications just yet, leaks have suggested it will lend a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor, 6GB of RAM, up to 256GB of storage, as well as lend two 5.6-inch displays.

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