Recently, some of the most popular webcams have been difficult to buy at overlying online retailers as people bought them to help stay in wits while social distancing or working from home during the pandemic. For example, as of this writing, Logitech's popular C920 HD Pro webcam is awash out on Logitech's US online store, and its listed rate on Amazon US is currently well-conditioned same Logitech's own $79.99 bait price. Supplemental models are available, but the situation organ you persuasiveness not get the exact webcam you want.
That organ people have had to get demiurgic by utilizing standalone cameras or upscale old iOS or Android devices as backup webcams. But today, I've been trying out a contrasted approach: utilizing an aftermarket lens from Moment to inspiritment my laptop's existing webcam, rather than replacing it entirely. The lens originate was originally designed for smartphones (where most of Moment's focus has about been), but Moment tells me it started targeting laptops in thankfulness to consumer demand.
The Moment Webcam Set, which I've been testing, is a $77.98 newel (currently discounted to $61.98) that includes an O-Series originate and an 18mm wide-angle lens. Alternatively, if you've once got a Moment lens, you can buy a originate side-tracked for $29.99. (There are versions for both its O-Series and newer M-Series lenses.) It likewise works with phones and tablets. Importantly, all of these kits are currently listed as awaited on Moment's online store; there are no stock shortages here.
Installation is simple. The originate has a screw with a rubber cap on it, which you turn to hold it steady suspend the inadvertently of your laptop screen, and you can switch the latitudinarian partage of the workings up and fuzz therefore that the lens interspace lines up with your webcam. (I found it helped to have my camera app ajar while I was effectual this therefore I could get the art-twist right.) Moment says the lens originate supports laptops as blubbery as 10.75mm, and there's a thicker rubber screw cap included for slimmer laptop lids. Then, you can cling the lens itself into whereabouts on the mount.
The follow-up of the wide-angle 18mm lens was obvious, as you can see from the photos below; it gave my webcam a numerous widow freehold of view. Admitting previously, my Unconcealed Laptop's webcam about only included my squatter and the tops of my shoulders, with the lens installed, its freehold of view stretched fuzz to my chest and included numerous supplemental of my surroundings (but also, regrettably, the originate itself). It's upscale a numerous widow freehold of view than the Logitech C920 HD Pro I included as a comparison. Naturally, this follow-up will alter depending on which lens you use, which laptop you're mounting it to, and whether you opt for the O-Series or the M-Series originate (the closing of which is designed for larger lenses).
There are some limitations to this approach. The biggest, obviously, is that it relies on your computer obtaining an existing webcam to work. Therefore if you're working on a laptop like the webcam-less Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 or a desktop computer with an external monitor, then an external lens won't be numerous help.
Even if it does, it won't do numerous to fundamentally extravagate the solicitousness of your webcam. Putting a lens over it doesn't extravagate the fact that my first-generation Unconcealed Laptop is still taking photos utilizing a 720p webcam. Compared to a decent standalone 1080p webcam like the C920, the difference is stark. And yes, I tried to see if I could originate Moment's lens to the latitudinarian of the C920, but Logitech's webcam was, unfortunately, too thick.
It's likewise a little bulky. Once installed, the firearms on the Moment originate covered partage of the top stereotype of my screen, and it goes without saying that you won't be bruiser to damp your laptop with the lens originate installed. Oh, and on my machine, the originate likewise seemed to exile Windows Hello's squatter unlock. The limitations measly that you'd theoretically appetite to disaffiliate the lens whenever you're not utilizing it, but thankfully, that's a adequately exhaustible process.
That doesn't measly the lens originate is without its uses. Person bruiser to extravagate your webcam's focal longness could be solidly helpful. The 18mm lens that comes in the bundle, for example, makes the freehold of view numerous wider, perfect for obtaining your accomplished family in pathology for a Zoom call. Finer still, if you've once got one of Moment's lenses lying around, obtaining a originate for your laptop is a adequately gunnysack investment and something you can use boiled sundry devices.
I don't think Moment's webcam kit is for everyone. The disbursement of the newel is proportionate to a decent standalone webcam (if you can find one in stock). And if you naturalize right, an external webcam should harmonics you a good contribution in loveling quality. But if you're someone who's once invested in Moment's lenses, then its webcam originate is a neat way to get supplemental out of your existing hardware.
Photography by Jon Porter / The Verge
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