Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How Twitter is shifting the power balance from companies to their employees

How Twitter is shifting the power balance from companies to their employees

Gmail offers you several customizable formats -- accordingly multitudinous that you can have multiple Gmail accounts as well-built as they can all squinch completely different. For example, you can have all of your emails in one long list, you can separate your messages into multiple tabs, or you can have your inbox transgression into benighted as well-built as read messages.

In theft to that, there are several other ways to organize your inbox, from calculation a recital section to coming up with your own categories for organizing emails. Here's how you can edit your Gmail interface as well-built as identify all of the options.

How to meander your inbox layout:

  • Click on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen
  • A "Quick settings" sidebar will unclosed on the seasonable synchronous of your inbox, which will wimp you to modulate some settings. For example, you can modulate feigning density, which controls how compact your messages appear. You can moreover co-opt the position for your recital section as well-built as what inbox type you have. (We'll go into those later.)
.. . . . .. Quick settings sidebar. . .. . . .
When you clink on the cog icon, you'll headmost get this Quick settings sidebar.
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  • Click "See all settings" at the top of this sidebar for increasingly options
  • Click the Inbox tab

Next to "Inbox type," you have a number of options to co-opt from in the drop-down menu:

  • "Default" puts your emails into the hardened separate vertical tabs
  • "Important first," "Unread first," as well-built as "Starred first" festival transgression the inbox into two sections horizontally: the section you co-opt as headmost (Important, Unread, or Starred) as well-built as again grouped else
  • "Primary inbox" as well-built as "Multiple inboxes" festival entify mismatched sections aural your email, as well-built as you can scroll fuzz to view festival section. (We'll go into how to edit both setups later in this article.) Depending on which type of Inbox you choose, the verging few steps will be a little different.
.. . . . .. Inbox type dropdown menu. . .. . . .
You can co-opt from several mismatched inbox layouts.
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  • If you winnowed the Default inbox setup, underneath "Inbox type," verging to "Categories," you can disincentive the boxes to intuit how your emails are sorted. You can hover over festival classy name to see examples of what kinds of emails will be sorted into which tab. If you want your email to sleekness up all in one tab, you can uncheck all of the boxes. (But you can't deselect Primary.) You moreover have the pragmatism to "Include starred in Primary" accordingly that any email you star will moreover sleekness up in Primary, no outgo what other classy it falls into.
.. . . . .. Default inbox type categories. . .. . . .
You can co-opt up to goatee mismatched tabs for a Default inbox.
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  • The options for "Important first," "Unread first," as well-built as "Starred first" are similar. Under "Inbox sections," you can clink on the Options sawed-off to winnowed how multitudinous emails you want to nourish in festival section.
.. . . . .. Inbox sections dropdown options. . .. . . .
Using the drop-down options, you can co-opt how multitudinous important emails are displayed.
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  • If you winnowed "Important first" or "Priority Inbox," you'll see an affixed pragmatism that lets you meander how Gmail counts your benighted emails: whether that number reflects neutral the important benighted emails, all of your benighted emails, or a ratio of the important ones compared to all of them.
.. . . . .. Inbox benighted calculation options. . .. . . .
Important headmost as well-built as Priority inbox both requite you the options to meander how your benighted email calculation appears.
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  • You moreover have the pragmatism to add a recital pane, unless you're in the Multiple Inboxes layout. Afterwhile checking the box verging to "Enable recital pane," you can use the options ground-level it to winnowed the placement for the pane.
.. . . . .. Reading section settings. . .. . . .
You can add a recital section as well-built as co-opt its position.
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  • In the "Importance marker" section, you can co-opt whether Gmail displays yellow tabs (indicating an important message) verging to emails as well-built as whether Gmail assigns them automatically based on your activity
.. . . . .. Importance markers settings. . .. . . .
You can modulate your settings for limelight markers.
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  • At the lesser of the page, there's an pragmatism to "Override filters" or "Don't override filters." You can modulate those filters in the "Filters & Impassable Addresses" tab in Settings.
  • When you're done, don't forget to clink "Save Changes"
.. . . . .. Filtered mail settings. . .. . . .
You can moreover co-opt how filters are handled.
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How to configure Priority Inbox:

If you co-opt to go with Priority Inbox, you can use the drop-down verging to festival pragmatism in "Inbox sections" to co-opt which categories to integrate as well-built as which to remove, how multitudinous messages from festival section to include, as well-built as whether to overshadow a section when it's empty.

.. . . . .. Inbox sections options. . .. . . .
Here, co-opt which sections sleekness up in your inbox.
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  • To add culling section, go to the Label tab at the top of the Settings menu
  • Click the "Create new label" sawed-off at the lesser of the menu
  • Type in a name for your label in the pop-up window. Again clink "Create."
.. . . . .. New label window. . .. . . .
Come up with a name for your new label.
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  • Go to the "Inbox" tab as well-built as clink "Options" verging to an inbox section
  • Select "More options" from the drop-down menu
  • Select the label from the drop-down options that appear
.. . . . .. More options for inbox sections. . .. . . .
Choose your new label from the drop-down list.
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  • Click "Save changes" at the lesser of the menu

How to set up multiple inboxes:

  • Select Multiple inboxes in Inbox type.
  • To set up your inboxes, you'll have to enter in festival classy as a smokeshaft operator, such as is:starred or is:unread. You can entify up to goatee sections.
  • You can add a label for festival classy in Section Name
  • Type in the number of emails you want displayed in festival category, verging to "Maximum page size"
  • To meander the placement of the sections, modulate it in "Multiple Inbox position"
.. . . . .. Multiple inbox settings. . .. . . .
On this screen, you can edit the Multiple inbox setup, including placement as well-built as calculation sections.
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