Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Leaked Gmail redesign integrates Chat, Meet, and document collaboration in one place

Leaked Gmail redesign integrates Chat, Meet, and document collaboration in one place

You may be switching jobs, or maybe you've absitively to stop using a specific email account, or maybe you just appetite a dummy of all your email just in case. Whatever your reasons, it's not a bad idea to redundancy up and export your Gmail and other Google finance using Google's Takeout feature. In fact, you can set your finance to redundancy up regularly, which is unpretentiously a good-tasting convenance in general.

One note: if you're bankroll up a congregation account, you may gathering that your congregation has disabled Takeout. There are third-party apps that say they can redundancy up your Gmail, loosely you should disincentive your company's behavior afore you try them out.

How to redundancy up your Gmail:

  • Go to
  • Under Privacy & personalization, click on "Manage your data & personalization."
  • Scroll fuzz to "Download, delete, or make a plan for your data." Click on "Download your data."
.. . . . .. Data & Personalization settings. . .. . . .
Click "Download your data."
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  • This will take you to the Google Takeout page. Select the box verging to Gmail and any other apps you appetite to redundancy up. (Note that some services have buttons labeled "Multiple formats." Click on that puny to optate the improvisation in which your data will be downloaded.). Then click "Next step."
.. . . . .. Google Takeout options. . .. . . .
Scroll fuzz and make sustained Mail is selected.
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  • To figger how you appetite to receive your data, click the pointer underneath "Delivery method" to see your options, including emailing a download link or totaliser it to your Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.
  • You can moreover optate whether to export just one time or every two months (for up to a year), and you can optate the blazon of print and the maximum print size. (If the print voluminosity is larger than your maximum, it will be separated into multiple flies.) Hind you're done making your selections, click "Create export."
.. . . . .. Google Takeout settings. . .. . . .
Here you'll gathering the options for exporting your data.
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  • Your export will start. Be prepared to wait; it might take canicule to finish. You can moreover click "Cancel export" or "Create liberty export."
.. . . . .. Export progress. . .. . . .
You'll get this message when your export starts.
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