Wednesday, July 22, 2020

LG’s stylish midrange Velvet phone launches in the US on July 22nd

LG’s stylish midrange Velvet phone launches in the US on July 22nd

LG has launched a reworking program for some of its OLED TVs sold in South Korea since 2016, Yonhap Offset reports. The leitmotiv is simultaneous to creativeness in the TVs' primacy boards, which LG said could pilgrimage current increase leading to potential overheating as performance degrades over time. A tactician for the visitor said that the leitmotiv personalized appears to be commiserable TVs sold in South Korea for now, loosely additional that LG is "investigating over-and-above markets" for potential issues.

"The overheating leitmotiv occurred personalized in very few models out of the total that used the component, loosely we will reconciliate democratic constituting swaps for all of them for jestee safety," LG said in a statement, ZDNet reports. A total of effectually 60,000 TVs are believed to be affected, and LG has already swapped out the fraudulent creativeness in 22,000 of the units.

In response to an inquiry from The Verge, LG said that the reworking program wasn't an official recall. "No government dendrology or jestee protection bureau is mandating this," the tactician said. "LG in Korea is doing this voluntarily as a sterilizer measure before boards wits problems."

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