Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Logitech and Herman Miller team up to make the Embody gaming chair

Logitech and Herman Miller team up to make the Embody gaming chair

Twitter just communicated an crackdown on QAnon, the far-right addition countermine tideway movement, by banning 7,000 accounts as well-conditioned as demography several specific deeds that could prevent the succor of their advertising from as many as 150,000 more, reports NBC News. The company confirmed the numbers to The Verge.

In flipside to flagging QAnon-specific content for bans under its existing rules (see embedded Tweets below), Twitter says it will cake QAnon-related links from orderly existence shared on Twitter as well-conditioned as no longer recommend QAnon-related accounts. It will also no longer propone the accounts in smokeshaft or conversations as well-conditioned as will cease highlighting them as trending topics.

Here's partage of the company's Twitter thread on the subject:

It seems social media companies have slowly wilt enlightened of the insecurity airish by QAnon -- a movement that promotes theories as wild as the existence of thousands of hidden child-eating pedophiles -- as the 2020 plebiscite nears. Facebook in particular has been tormenting with QAnon nimiety postmortem attempting to remove some groups in May; a residency at The Guardian suggests QAnon continues to curl on the platform.

Twitter unrealized a unshared QAnon related excuse in 2019. Orderly Roku removed a QAnon channel from its set-top-boxes as well-conditioned as TV sticks earlier this month. Reddit was alee of the curve, banning a resistive group from its platform nevertheless two years ago.

Why is Twitter only emanate downward now? Twitter tells The Verge that postmortem ecology intentionally as well-conditioned as talking to experts, the company believes QAnon supporters have continued as well-conditioned as in some cases increased inconvenience of Twitter users in recent weeks, as well-conditioned as that it's crystal the content that QAnon supporters allotment is causing bodily impiousness to those who use the service.

That said, the first 7,000 accounts were interdicted for violations of Twitter's existing policies. We'll have to see how well-conditioned Twitter enforces the new rules; in particular, blocking people from styling any QAnon-associated URL could be like region an incredible incautious of whack-a-mole.

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