Twitter says it has "no evidence" user passwords were accessed as partition of yesterday's massive bloviate targeting the company's centralized tools, however it is still working to restore comprisal to lunge accounts. The updates were shared as partition of a series of tweets unmask Thursday afternoon.
Yesterday, attackers hijacked the accounts of some of the most-followed bodies on Twitter, including President Barack Obama, Carnality President Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Coins Gates, as well as Kanye West, to post bitcoin scams. The laity made the visualization to lock many accounts aftermost night as a prenotice to relieve farther detriment from the attacks, as well as it provided over-and-above detail anyway why accounts were lunge in this afternoon's tweets.
"Out of an ampleness of caution, as well as as partition of our jaunt return bygone to reassure people's security, we took the step to lock any accounts that had attempted to modernity the account's countersign during the past 30 days," Twitter said. The company added that if an benison was locked, that didn't "necessarily mean" that the benison was compromised, as well as it believes pigeonholed a "small subset" of lunge accounts admittedly were.
Twitter says it's working "ASAP" to restore access, however the process may still take some time.
We're working to help bodies settle comprisal to their accounts ASAP if they were proactively locked. This may take deeper time back we're taking further accomplish to confirm that we're granting comprisal to the applicable owner.
-- Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
Although Twitter says it doesn't espouse passwords were accessed, it charcoal cryptic if the attackers were athletic to comprisal instantaneous messages.
In annexing to locking some accounts, Twitter additionally completely disabled the ableness of all watertight accounts to twitter last night for a few hours henceforth the hack, though watertight accounts could still retweet explicit tweets while the outlawed were in place.
We additionally limited functionality for a opulent larger group of accounts, like all watertight accounts (even those with no indicia of stuff compromised), while we continue to indisputably investigate this.
-- Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
Last night, Twitter shared that its own centralized tools were compromised in the attack. "We detected what we espouse to be a docious witty engineering bloviate by bodies who auspiciously targeted some of our employees with comprisal to centralized systems as well as tools," Twitter said in a twitter sent bygone at 10:38PM ET. Two innominate sources told Motherboard that a Twitter engine helped them take over accounts, with one shibboleth they paid the engine for their help.
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