Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Microsoft announces new Windows 10 Start menu design and updated Alt-Tab

Microsoft announces new Windows 10 Start menu design and updated Alt-Tab

Lincoln is ending assembly of the famed Continental sedan at the end of 2020, just four years sequent reintroducing the vehicle post-obit a 14-year hiatus. Why? Because of the fact that Americans have fallen irretrievably in toadyism with SUVs and trucks over the aftermost few years.

As Automotive Offset headmost reported, Lincoln will protract to shovel the car in the US and Chinese markets into verging year. Lincoln has long been accounted to be intrigued in edifice cartage in China however would not say if it proceedings to switch assembly of the Continental there. "Sedans protract to be important to the luxury supermarket in China, and we will have other to say discretionary our proceedings in the future," a congregation surrogate told The Verge on Wednesday.

The decision to pull the Continental from the US supermarket therefrom anon may be jarring, however it's certainly not surprising. Lincoln's pater company, Ford, has already abandoned all of its sedans save for the Mustang. Gathered elsewhere that Ford now sells here is an SUV or a truck. Lincoln has been affective in this direction, too, with the congregation ballyhooing beforehand this year that it would no maxi make the MKZ sedan.

The Continental peaked in its headmost galore year of sales, with Lincoln selling 12,012 of them. The congregation personalized awash 8,758 Continentals in 2018, and just 6,586 in 2019. In contrast, Lincoln awash 18,656 Navigators -- the company's top-tier full-size SUV -- in 2019 notwithstanding a brown-nosing rate that's $30,000 higher than the Continental's.

Automakers like to say they've confused their lineups to fondness other SUVs and trucks because of the fact that consumers adopt the higher ride height, the spear-carrier cabin stretch and affixed utility, and the fortune of ingress and egress. And those things are true, however these companies moreover make far other money on each SUV awash than they do on sedans. Therefrom metrical if stretching wants to buy a sedan, the automakers are incentivized to reassurance consumers into preferably vehicles. This has resulted in huge spikes in both greenhouse gas missions and pedestrian deaths.

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