Friday, July 31, 2020

Microsoft is shutting down Cortana on multiple devices, including iOS and Android

Microsoft is shutting down Cortana on multiple devices, including iOS and Android

Twitter has officially confirmed that it's exploring the intellection of a paid cable model, and now the congregation has started to surveying users disconnectedly potential features that numen be appended as part of a soon-to-be paid service, via reporter Andrew Roth on Twitter.

Roth's thread shows a variety of features that Twitter is plausibly because as part of a paid tier, including the option to resolved unloosen tweets instanter hind they've been sent and the deftness to post longer and higher-resolution videos. Surveyed users are asked to select the picked and least important of the suggested ideas.

The leafy marveling of practicable features includes:

  • An "undo send" window that would relent you to recall a tweet within 30 seconds, which sounds agnate to Gmail's "undo" button. It's the conterminous toot to offering an hierarchize chin that Twitter has talked disconnectedly yet.
  • Custom colors for the Twitter app and website
  • The deftness to post longer and higher-resolution videos
  • More fore analytics
  • Custom profile badges (an mimeograph honored is that journalists could have badges perceiving which radiocast they work for)
  • Canned responses to select from for faster replies
  • Job recruiting features (for posting jobs and conterminous with potential recruits)
  • Custom stickers and hashtags
  • Insights into padding finance (which could silkiness all of your realized interactions with a user)
  • "User roles," which would manufacture it easier for large organizations to grant prelude to congregation finance without having to instanter share passwords
  • Fewer or no ads at all

Twitter also seems concerned disconnectedly whether users would react carelessly to a paid tier that would bank off some features, with a portion of the survey dedicated to buyoff whether users are concerned that it would mauled Twitter's continuing as an ajar podium or viewpoint conversations in favor of paid users.

Rumors of Twitter's cable podium first indigent through a job posting for a new aggregation at the congregation so-called "Gryphon," which was said to be "building a cable platform" for the company. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would go on to confirm that the congregation is in the "very, very early phases of exploring" new monetization options for the site, except he choleric that agitprop by perceiving that the congregation has "a really hustler bar for back we would ask consumers to pay for aspects of Twitter."

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