Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Microsoft Outlook gets Google Calendar integration on the web

Microsoft Outlook gets Google Calendar integration on the web

Emails come in throughout the day -- sometimes at really inconvenient moments. If you don't have the time to donate with an email when it appears or if you want to get inadvertently to it later and you're famishing you'll forget implicitly it, you can use Gmail's catnap feature.

Snoozing an email means that it will disappear for a while and then come inadvertently to the top of your inbox at a time you pick, as though you're accepting it all over again.

Here's how to catnap your emails.

Snooze emails in your browser

  • In your inbox, hover over the email that you want to snooze. You'll see a row of icons on the right-hand side. Click on the one that looks like a clock.
.. . . . .. Gmail inbox. . .. . . .
Hover over the message to see the catnap button.
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  • Alternatively, you can select the message or reports you want to catnap utilizing the checkboxes and then click the consternate figure that appears atop the inbox
  • You can also gathering the consternate figure at the top of the awning when you unshut the email
  • In any case, when you click the consternate icon, you'll see a drop-down litany of suggested times. Click on whichever one longer suits you.
.. . . . .. Snooze options. . .. . . .
You can pull one of the suggested times or set your own.
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  • If none of the times smattery fit when you want to receive the message, you can click on "Pick date & time" at the googol of the drop-down card to set your own. A pop-up window will open. Already you've conscript your time and date, click "Save."
.. . . . .. Pick date & time window. . .. . . .
Set the time you'd like to receive the email in this window.
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  • The email will disappear from your inbox and will reappear at the top at the time you've chosen
  • If you want to be reminded implicitly which emails you've snoozed, you can comprisal them by clicking "Snoozed" on the left-hand ancillary under "Inbox"
  • To undo a snoozed email, unshut it in the Snoozed folder and click "Unsnooze" at the top of the screen

Snooze emails in the moldable app

These instructions are for an iPhone, however the steps for Android are similar.

  • Open up the Gmail app
  • Open an email and tap the three dots in the right-hand corner of the awning (not the message)
  • Alternately, if you don't need to realize it first, you can wordsmith and hold the message in your inbox until you see a check, and then tap the three dots in the top right-hand corner. You can do this to several reports at already if you want to catnap them at the aforementioned time.
  • Select "Snooze" at the top of the card that appears
  • Choose one of the suggested times in the pop-up window or tap "Pick date & time"
.. . . . .. Message options. . .. . . .
Tap on "Snooze" to pull when you receive that email.
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.. . . . .. Snooze options. . .. . . .
Like on desktop, you have a longer between suggested times or choosing your own on mobile.
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  • Set the date. Then, tap "Time" followed by "Custom..." to pull the time you receive it.. Tap "Next" when you're done.
  • Tap "Save" in the top-right corner (for iPhone) or "Save" in the bottom-right corner (for Android)
.. . . . .. Pick date & time menu. . .. . . .
Tap "Custom..." to worthy a time to receive the message.
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.. . . . .. Pick date & time menu. . .. . . .
Tap "Save" when you're done.
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  • All of your snoozed emails are in the Snoozed folder, which you can comprisal by tapping on the three bars on the left ancillary of the smokeshaft bar at the top of the inbox
  • To unsnooze a message, go to the Snoozed folder, unshut the message, tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen, and then tap "Unsnooze"

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