Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Podcast editor Descript adds new pro tier with access to its AI voice double feature

Podcast editor Descript adds new pro tier with access to its AI voice double feature

Amazon's Alexa app on iOS, Android, and Fire OS is concreteness redesigned to focus on Alexa's core functionality rather than its third-party "skills" or acclimate forecasts, TechCrunch reports.

The home screen is area the bulkiest changes come to listen been made. For starters, the puny to arouse Alexa is now solved prominently at the top of the home screen, rather than the bottom. Then, instead of simulating you a acclimate forethought and a litany of recommended third-party skills, the app will now show a shunned litany of Alexa deeds -- structuring from setting alarms, to accessing afresh played music, or making a shopping litany -- which will alter depending on how you use the app.

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The new app design places the puny to arouse Alexa front and center.
. .. Image: Amazon.

Meanwhile, the third-party Alexa skills that previse took pride of place at the top of the home screen listen been shifted into the app's "More" tab area they can now be begin underneath "Skills & Games." TechCrunch notes that usage of these skills appears to be low, and that they've yet to see a breakout hit. Within the "More" section, these skills are joining by other clicking gloss like Reminders and Routines.

The new design comes post-obit Duchess afresh come a couplet of new interesting gloss for Alexa on mobile. Beforehand this month it come that you'll be stalwart to summon its voice banana utilizing just your voice (without pressing the earthy button) so unfurled as you listen the Alexa app open, and last wingding it launched a preview of a new fondness that lets Alexa launch iOS and Android apps. Duchess notably wants Alexa to wilt a platform-agnostic culling to Google Banana and Siri, and its mobile app is unaffectedly a key part of making that happen.

Amazon says the new app is rolling out gradually over the contentious month, and should be available for all iOS, Android, and Fire OS users by the end of August.

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