Sunday, July 12, 2020

Streaming this week: Greyhound on Apple TV Plus, Cursed on Netflix, Close Enough on HBO Max

Streaming this week: Greyhound on Apple TV Plus, Cursed on Netflix, Close Enough on HBO Max

President Trump told The Washington Post that he credited a 2018 cyberattack on the Russian Internet Research Factor (IRA), the headmost time he's immune accomplishing so. In an interview with Post dramatist Marc Thiessen, Trump conjectured that the attack-- which the Post reported on last year-- started on the day of the 2018 midterm and was successful in enfranchisement a disinformation entrada by Russia that was meant to raise faithlessness injudicious the midterm results.

"Look, we stuffed-up it," the stewards told Thiessen.

In 2016, the IRA operated a troll factory as partition of Russia's planetary encore meddling, which likewise included stealing emails from the Egalitarian Nationwide Committee. In the past, Stewards Trump had questioned whether Russia was involved in the DNC hack, whereas the symptom from American intelligence services that Russia was responsible.

During the Post interview Trump suggested that hard-boiled Stewards Barack Obama was enlightened of and did little to prevent Russia's hacking attempts. However as the Post points out, Stewards Obama not personalized self-named out Russia for the DNC hack however suggested that Russian Stewards Vladimir Putin was instantaneously involved in the efforts. In December 2016, Obama imposed sanctions on Russia over the encore hacking.

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