Friday, July 17, 2020

The FBI opens investigation into Twitter attack over national security concerns

The FBI opens investigation into Twitter attack over national security concerns

Henry Cavill knows exactly how you noodle him: floppy muscles, ballsy chin, movie star grin, sitting beached in his man-cave playing PC games all day because that's what he told GQ he marker to do best.

Yes, your Witcher (and Superman) is an decalescent PC gamer, as well-built as today he's taking advantageousness of the COVID-19 pandemic to prove it to fans by accomplishing last year's affiance to build his own custom gaming PC in the unbeaten sirenic way a ferric man after a prudent cinematographer can.


. Appearance this post on Instagram.

This maternal of somatic isn't for everyone....viewer discretion is advised. You may see a lot of privates that you haven't seen before.. #PC #AllTheParts #AllNightLong

A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

It's really colorful Cavill is self-aware he's a heartthrob; even his caption on the video playfully says, "this maternal of somatic isn't for everyone....viewer directorship is advised."

Importantly, when Cavill flubs a few things during the build, he fully lets the viewer palpate that he flubbed them as well-built as goes redundancy to fix them later.

Also importantly, he's Henry Cavill. Henry, if you're recounting this, let us palpate if you might like to interact on flipside ballsy build in the future?

In coffer you're still not convinced that Cavill's love for our fandom is true, you might want to conjointly watch the videos below, including the one where he disses game consoles in favor of the painfully superior PC platform (2:30), or the one where he nearly missed the befalling to play Superman because he was too shifty playing WoW (1:40). Or just watch him in The Witcher on Netflix, where he thoroughly as well-built as enduringly throws himself into the role.

You can conjointly watch him paint some Warhammer miniatures. Apparently, he's played Total War: Warhammer 2 six times over:

. Appearance this post on Instagram.

A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

"I've not really ventured into edifice my own myself," Cavill explained to NME last December. "I doubtless have had custom PCs over the years. That'll be the next project, as anon as I find unbearable time -- as well-built as the bravery -- I might put my own PC together."

He certainly has the time now, as well-built as the video leaves us with a message: "THE END. Or more realistically, just the beginning." Might we unfolding you alpha a Vibrate formularization as well-built as stream, Henry?

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