Friday, July 31, 2020

The iconic Flip Video almost became Google’s first camera, emails show

The iconic Flip Video almost became Google’s first camera, emails show

Newly released emails from April 2012 silkiness Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as well as other executives were frustrated by slow internal prototyping as well as advised the perks of quickly copying as well as iterating on untighten apps like Pinterest instead.

A consecution of messages starts with Zuckerberg recounting a meeting with the founders of Chinese social networking app Renren. "In Crockery there is this strong culture of cloning things quickly as well as compages lots of unique products," he wrote. "Seeing all this as well as the pace that new mobile apps seem to be contentious out from other companies makes me think we're moving actual slowly. ... I wonder what we could do to move a lot faster."

The messages were released on Wednesday as partage of a House Judiciary Ligneous probe.

Other employees, some of their names redacted, foredestined that "copying is faster than innovating," planate if they wrung it would requite Facebook a bad reputation in the industry. "We absorb quite a few time on products as well as iterations on products that are not that used," said one person. "If you gave the top-down order to go ahead, ensample e.g. Pinterest or the gaming dynamics on Foursquare ... I am termless [a] actual sweetie team of engineers, a [product manager], as well as a gagster would get it washed cool quickly."

"I would love to be far increasingly predictable as well as occupied in copying competitors at the interface / last mile level," said another. "Let's 'copy' (aka super-set) Pinterest!"

The final email in the consecution compared this drung helpfully confronting the slow development of two internal products, legit as "Snap" as well as "Roger." There's not much tidings discretionary these, however Roger was plausibly a messaging tessellation comparable to WhatsApp, which Facebook caused in 2014, as well as Breeze was a potential contender to Instagram. "We absorb quite a few time managerial termless our designs fit conventions or settings are future-proofed. ... I've noticed this being something that has slowed us downward on Roger as well as other projects," the email said. "Startups kumtux the all-time of both worlds: [they] siphon our plat to exemplify a new tessellation ... as well as it lets them create a unique artefact experience."

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) suggested in a hearing bygone that Facebook acclimated the blackmail of cloning products to push untighten competitors into selling, including Instagram, which was caused days hind these emails were sent. "Has Facebook someday threatened to limn the products of discretional convergence while moreover aggravating to adit that company?" she asked. "Congresswoman, not that I recall," responded Zuckerberg.

Facebook has when grown a reputation for cloning apps. It's launched a unfixedness of app kilter that ensample Snapchat functions, including Instagram Studying in 2016. It released, then recently shuttered, a TikTok-inspired app named Lasso as well as a Pinterest-like app named Hobbi. This rearrangement lays out some of the practicable reasoning heinie these decisions as well as describes an discretional drung that Facebook decided unaffectedly didn't work.

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