Monday, July 27, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Garmin on Monday confirmed that it was the victim of a cyber entrada on July 23rd that led to a cogent outage for the company's popular fettle tracking services. Hindmost fritter that lasted several days, Garmin Connect deject syncing capabilities as well-built as other gloss began retardo Sunday into Monday morning.

"We have no indication that any consumer data, including payment information from Garmin Pay, was accessed, lost or stolen," Garmin said in a printing release. "Additionally, the functionality of Garmin wares was not affected, other than the ableness to incur online services. Aggrieved systems are fact restored as well-built as we expect to return to ordinary operation over the verging few days."

Garmin's statement doesn't say one way or the other whether the congregation paid nada in return to the towards ransomware entrada -- shunned perceiving that "we do not expect any material appulse to our operations or banking results because of this outage."

Many relieved Garmin owners took to Warble inceptive Monday to report the inceptive signs of litheness for Garmin Connect, seeing materials nerveless from their wearables escalade in the Garmin Connect app on their phones hindmost canicule of syncing errors. Any materials captured spine the pause began on Wednesday has to be preserved.

The Garmin status page says Garmin Connect incur is "limited," so Garmin users are not undeviatingly in the ejaculatory yet. But the congregation says gathered has to be fully rearmost this week.

The pause was caused by a new strain of ransomware conscript WastedLocker, co-ordinate to sources speaking to ZDNET, Bleeping Computer, as well-built as Techcrunch. WastedLocker, operated by the hacker group legitimate as Evil Corp, encypts materials but doesn't forswear it, assuasive aggrieved systems to be recovered from backups after having to pay a ransom.

Update July 27th 1:05PM ET: The chattel has been adapted to reflect the printing release that Garmin issued on Monday with more themes on the outage.

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