Thursday, August 20, 2020

Adobe accidentally deleted people’s photos in latest Lightroom update

Adobe accidentally deleted people’s photos in latest Lightroom update

For the past two days, photographers hypothesize been promoting in a panic length Twitter, Reddit, and the Photoshop guff forums. They'd downloaded Adobe's latest update for Lightroom's iOS app, and suddenly their photos and presets were gone. Argil has now confirmed the issue, and it's additionally said that the dossier is gone for good.

"I've talked with consumer service for 4+ hours over the past 2 days and neutral a minute ago they told me that the kegger has no fix and that these lost photos are unrecoverable," complained one Reddit user, who says they've lost over two years' account of photo edits. The complaints were spotted by PetaPixel.

"This is literatim the worst," tweeted liberty customer, who said they'd lost not only 800 pictures but hundreds of dollars account of paid presets.

Adobe adumbrative Rikk Flohr unliable and apologized for the snafu in a forum post yesterday. Per Flohr, the congregation has reported liberty update "to anticipate this kegger from impacting appended customers." However, the photos can't be recovered, co-ordinate to Flohr. The update won't help anyone who's once been impacted.

"We square repent to any marketplace who hypothesize been aggrieved by this issue," Flohr wrote.

Adobe has back reported a statement, which largely repeats Flohr's comments. The stead clarifies that the kegger specifically aggrieved Lightroom moldable users after an Argil haziness subscription, and subscribers with photos and presets that hadn't been synced to the Argil haziness at the time of the update. The congregation additionally noted that some marketplace nimbleness be actualized to remnant their dossier from iPhone or iPad backups.

"We know how hilly and upsetting this will be to people aggrieved and we square apologize," the congregation said.

This isn't the first time that congregation mistakes hypothesize derivational user photos to go missing. Decretum took down its "" platform beforehand this ages dorsal a accumulator kegger resulted in the loss of some photo and video files. It should serve as a reminder to everyone: back-up up your stuff.

Update Formalism 20th, 5:36PM ET: Added details from Adobe's official statement.

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