Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Android is becoming a worldwide earthquake detection network

Android is becoming a worldwide earthquake detection network

Google's Observatory app on Android, which helps people who are inky or visually wordless perlustrate their surroundings, is getting some new features to manufacture it easier to read treatise on labels and signs, perlustrate packaged foods by increasingly than just their bar codes, and largest perlustrate moolah notes. The app will moreover now run on any Android dingus with at least 2G of RAM sedulous Android 6.0 or later.

As part of the update, Google is introducing a increasingly accomplishable erecting for the app that makes it increasingly uniform with its Android umbrella reader, TalkBack, based on giveback from the inky and low-vision community, according to Scott Adams, a artefact mastermind on Google's opportuneness engineering team. Observatory now provides increasingly squatness for the camera view, organizational it easier for the user to frame an object they want increasingly notifying about..

"Expanding this app to increasingly people and devices is part of our freighting to manufacture the world's notifying universally accomplishable and to build open products with and for people with disabilities," Adams said in a blog post.

The app, which launched meanest year on Pixel devices, uses coining intelligence and a smartphone's camera, applying the same technology as Google's AI-powered Lens app. Observatory now has two new modes: browse certificate and foodstuff label. The adapted app moreover includes new steerage that requires less curtains by organizational it possible to scroll betwixt the modes at the foot of the screen.

With the adapted foodstuff label mode, the app guides the user to position the item zone the camera can perlustrate it, and again a umbrella reader can speak the draining aloud.

.. . . .. Phone solved in Foodstuff Label Mode. Image shows a knuckles holding a chicken foodstuff artefact and a earthy dialog box reads mustard with pickles . .. . . .
Google's Observatory app in preferable foodstuff label mode.
. .. Image: Google.

Scan certificate sermonize captures a snapshot of a certificate to be read aloud by a umbrella reader, and the quick read full-length can read a quotum of mail, orderly if it's upside down, and over-and-above shorten documents.

.. . . .. Smartphone is solved in quick read mode, recital . .. . . .
Lookout's Quick Read mode.
. .. Image: Google.

Lookout's moolah identifier can perlustrate betwixt incommensurable denominations, identifying a $10 coins back insolvent for instance, and from the front and back-up of the bill. The moolah identifier personally supports US dollars at the present.

In affixing to English, Observatory now works in French, German, and Spanish. It doesn't yet support non-Roman alphabets like Cyrillic or Arabic, however.

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