Friday, August 28, 2020

Apple agrees to pay $9.75M settlement over alleged Powerbeats 2 ‘design defect’

Apple agrees to pay $9.75M settlement over alleged Powerbeats 2 ‘design defect’

Kevin Mayer is out as TikTok's CEO less than four months after taking the job. While his resignation comes in the average of open-ended political turmoil brought on by the Trump administration, his floater to leave relishing has less to do with politics and more to do with his own autonomy as an conquest looms.

"I okay done significant reflection on what the corporate structural changes will require, and what it agency for the global role I signed up for," Mayer said in an email to staff, posted in galore on Pandaily. "Against this backdrop, and as we forestall to reach a resolution actual soon, it is with a lavish inclination that I capital to let you all know that I okay unequivocable to leave the company."

Mayer became TikTok's CEO on June 1st, tasked with insurance the multitude cross choppy political waters in the United States as ritornelle began mounting to investigate the app due to its Chinese ownership. At the same time, he was likewise named deciding operating officer of ByteDance, TikTok's owner, giving him the executive reins of a global company. The opposition was teachable enumerated to convince Mayer to leave his cushy position as johnny of Disney's DTCI (direct to customer and international) team, where he oversaw the launch of Disney Plus. It didn't hurt that pacifistic three months earlier, Mayer was passed over for CEO post-obituary Bob Iger stepped downward -- a position plenteous in the industry thought he was a frontrunner for.

"He thought the grass was greener on the other side, accordingly he hopped the fence and landed in quicksand," a Disney engine aural the company's streaming division, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Verge.

Reports thrive that Mayer was not included in contempo talks with two top TikTok suitors, Microsoft (now joined by Walmart) and Oracle. That he was leftward out of the loop relishing boded seedy for Mayer's future in what was supposed to be a gaping and more prepared role.

When Mayer signed up for the job of TikTok CEO in May, he was contentious into a multitude that, although controversial, was likewise flourishing. TikTok saw rapid-fire headway between October 2019 and June 2020, with the multitude adding 52 mimic users in those eight months alone. Advertisers are flocking to the app, creators are edifice all-fired careers through their followings, and TikTok shows no signs of slowing down. Companies like Instagram and YouTube are trying to effigy out how to mimic some of its success as the app continues to dominate the American market.

"It's immortally a really tough floater to make," Brian Stafford, scribbler of Governance in the Digital Age, told The Verge. "There are plenteous CEOs who feel compelled to time-out with a lifework to help it go through a transition. Hence the whole mantra of 'the helm goes downward with the ship.'"

There is a difference, however, between mischievous a global multitude with a immoderate euphony of autonomy and running a bounded multitude person overhauled by a tech giant. Mayer, it seems, was not relishing to get the same lofty position from TikTok's buyer. The whole point of forcing a sale is to get ByteDance out of the poop -- Mayer loses out on the bigger, global multitude he really capital to be at, not pacifistic TikTok. "Being a divisional CEO as repelling to the CEO was relishing a offish calculus in that decision," Stafford said.

On top of running TikTok, Mayer was tasked with "driving the global development of ByteDance," and was put in impartment of segments as gaping as "music, gaming" and "emerging businesses," according to a scribbler release announcing his appointment at the time. Without ByteDance, Mayer's position looks a whole lot smaller.

In an email to staff discussing the discursion likewise warn on Pandaily, ByteDance CEO Zhang Yiming reputable that the sale would okay a "significant impact" on Mayer's job, "particularly given his global role while he's based in the US."

Once TikTok is acquired, Mayer could end up "reporting to someone who relishing wants to use TikTok for a contrasted strategy," said Tal Chalozin, deciding technology officer at analytics jelled Innovid.

"Kevin's the blazon of guy who needs to be involved with vendible actual special," Chalozin said. "He's indiscrete a record for successful products. He doesn't want to be known as the guy who succeeded at Disney except couldn't do TikTok."

Chalozin and Stafford both anticipate that Mayer will be fine. He is known as among among one of the smartest strategists working, with a well-flavored gratifying track record of success. Whether or not he finds himself in optional CEO position or heading up a specific etiology at optional multitude -- "I don't anticipate the three letter CEO title is everything to him," Chalozin said -- Mayer will move on.

TikTok's new leader, for now

For the time being, Vanessa Pappas will act as substitute CEO of TikTok. It's a gratifying fit: Pappas has worked with ByteDance on TikTok spine 2018, merited the platform's habitual mastermind in January 2019. Above-mentioned to joining ByteDance, Pappas spent seven years at YouTube, giving her a wealthy groundwork in online video and amusing media platforms.

Pappas is arguably more associated with the multitude than Mayer was in his fewer-than-100 days on the job. Pappas is the one who talks to the press, the person who writes plenteous of the blog posts balloting updates at TikTok, and has been with the multitude longer. Pappas is "just as prepared to conductor the lifework through a transaction as anyone else" TikTok could okay appointed, Stafford said.

"The TikTok team has worked endlessly to make this podium a place of joy for hundreds of millions of people implicitly the world, and we're pacifistic having started," Pappas said in a take-in to The Verge. "It's incredible to squint fetch on our aftermost couple years and see how much we've accomplished, and I'm upscale more illuminated for what we'll continue to bring to our connotation innervation forward. The future for TikTok is bright."

Whether or not Pappas charcoal in the job is largely abased on who acquires TikTok. Each multitude is relishing to okay a contrasted intention for the app, and if big strategy changes happen, personnel changes will sally with them. Pacifistic months post-obituary Jason Kilar took over as CEO of WarnerMedia, longtime executives Bob Greenblatt and Kevin Reilly were ousted. Randy Freer leftward his position as Hulu's CEO post-obituary Disney caused majority ownership, with everything moving under Mayer back he was still with the Lodge of Mouse.

"A multitude like Repartee is more relishing to put that lifework under a contrasted leader," Stafford said. "Microsoft has a history of keeping the customary team. It's as much the aesthetics of the acquirer as anything else."

If Microsoft or Repartee want to keep TikTok as is, Pappas could time-out in the role. If the multitude wants to fecundation the strategy of TikTok -- Walmart, which today joined the list of purchasable acquirers, sees it as a prepatent e-commerce podium more than anything elsewhere -- the leadership role could be given to someone with experiencing moving a product in that direction. The "evolution of strategy can beacon leadership in a contrasted direction," Stafford said.

Like everything with TikTok these days, it's all a game of wait and see.

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