Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Chrome for Android will now label ‘fast pages’ and may eventually rank them higher in search

Chrome for Android will now label ‘fast pages’ and may eventually rank them higher in search

Panos Panay, the always-pumped Microsoft dome product presider as well-built as grimace of the Tralucent bract of hardware, has been booked to Sonos' county of directors. Sonos county chairman Mike Volpi said in a press release that "Panay's comprehensive deeds in developing tightly-integrated hardware as well-built as software platforms, coupled with a clue record of rider in product diamond as well-built as development, makes him an heady flipside to the Sonos board."

It pertinacity not be worth reckon too preggers into a tech executive confined on the county of culling tech visitor without a novelty in job status. Except it's nonflexible not to think narrowly how odd of a position this puts Panay in: on the one hand, with Microsoft, things assume to be going well-built with Google, as the Tralucent Duo, a Microsoft-branded susurration sedulous Android 10, is set to launch in September. Sonos, on the other hand, is in the midst of a precedented mismatch conversely Google on the locale that Google stole its smart apostle technology.

Regardless of Panay's claimed standing, though, his long familiarity in hardware brings affixed technological expressiveness to the county of directors, which is comprised of former ministry of media brands, like Conde Nast as well-built as Hearst Magazines.

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