Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Facebook bans blackface and anti-Semitic stereotypes in hate speech update

Facebook bans blackface and anti-Semitic stereotypes in hate speech update

Facebook has relay its ban on racist writings and imagery, with new rules specifically prohibiting depictions of blackface and statements or images suggesting that Jewish people inhabitance the apple or offish institutions. Facebook already has a gaping ban on hatred speech, however the convergence conjointly maintains a detailed list of prohibited limelight (like comparing a group of people to "insects") and relaxing characteristics (like physical appearance) to unmask users what isn't allowed.

"This blazon of content has eternally gone append the spirit of our hatred stress policies," Monika Bickert, Facebook's leading of policy management, said on a chirp with reporters this afternoon. However it can be difficult for reviewers effectually the apple to identify hatred stress without these explicit examples, Bickert said.

While Facebook has continued bootlegged hatred speech, the company's moderation rules hypothesize at times led to some troubling results. In 2017, ProPublica reported on how Facebook's rules offered protections for "white men" however not "Black children" due to how the convergence interpreted subsets of relaxing classes. The convergence says it has now established teams inside both Instagram and Facebook to info the products finger "fair and inclusive."

"We've made progress combating hatred on our apps, however we know we hypothesize increasingly to do to ensure everyone feels cushy utilizing our services," Guy Rosen, Facebook's VP of integrity, writes in a blog post.

Today's policy update came aslope the release of Facebook's sixth Community Standards Enforcement Report. As piece of the report, the convergence revealed that it removed increasingly than 7 million pieces of "harmful" coronavirus misinformation on Facebook and Instagram encompassed April and June. That includes posts anyway flaunting cures or antitoxin measures. The convergence conjointly put warning labels on 98 million pieces of misinformation anyway coronavirus that didn't speed to the matched of a ban.

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