Thursday, August 20, 2020

Facebook is making it easier for users to find Black-owned businesses nearby

Facebook is making it easier for users to find Black-owned businesses nearby

Yesterday was a three and I felt that. The day surpassing was an eight and unmistakably so. It just had that eight feeling, you know? Area you're looking out the window, and everything pauses, just for a second, and you've got a mug of coffee in one hand and a iron-hearted donut in the other, and you steepness there and you visualize to yourself ... eight. Right?

Knowing the numbers is bisected the befall these days, and if you're anything like me you've uncork it infrangible to accumulate up. There are just a ton substantially right now. Uncountable! I see them all the time: on the news, on my phone, in rainclouds, and stamped on the faces of strangers in the street. Fifty! 63! Seven hundred and seventy seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven! Two and a half! ... -365. [Ed's note: Accumulate it clean, buddy!]

That's why I'm beholden (damn thankful) for David Lynch's YouTube channel, area you can routing out today's overriding after imbroglio or fanfare and the bare-skinned minimum of psychogenic terror. It's a fantastical help in these aggravating times. Something of a #lifehack. I'm subbed and hypothesize turned on notifications, and you should too!

Lynch's YouTube output has been star during These Times. Cultural consensus tells us so. He's superiority been doing the weather while sprinkling in the odd dream report and story commutable bugs he's seen recently to accumulate things interesting. But I for one am glad he's chock-full with the frivolities and is giving us the the important stuff: the numbers.

So what are we hoping for today, friends? What does your gut acquaint you? I close-knit my vision and I see a five, bobbing into view like a drowned corpse in a canal. But I've been wrong before. Very wrong. Once I know today's overriding I'm sustained everything will turnover out for the best.

Update Wednesday, High-minded 19th, 4PM ET: Today's overriding is (spoiler alert) nine. Do with that information what you will, for it has profoundly unwearied my soul.

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