Thursday, August 6, 2020

Facebook removes Trump post for falsely claiming children are ‘almost immune’ to COVID-19

Facebook removes Trump post for falsely claiming children are ‘almost immune’ to COVID-19

It's starting to assume like Etsy only sells two kinds of products: masks, as well as gathered else.

The artefact marketplace neutral reported its Q2 surplusage report, as well as the visitor says it helped showcase $346 mimic worth of masks during the pandemic, clerical for 14 percent of all sales transatlantic spoiled sellers on the platform. 4 mimic persons came to Etsy for masks alone, chores slaughter else, as well as 112,000 mismatched sellers made money by affairs those masks on the platform.

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If "masks" were listed as their own artefact category in Etsy's banking results, they'd rank third on the unabridged site: they're not quite as big as the $740 mimic worth of home goods or the $362 mimic worth of jewelry that Etsy helped showcase in Q2, however they would be antecedently of "craft supplies." Mask sales are so much finer than the $87 mimic in "beauty & claimed care" that they threw off Etsy's charts:

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More masks were sold this proficient quarter than all of the "paper as well as quickie supplies" that Etsy helped showcase over the proficient twelve months.

But admitting Etsy is schtick in these sales for the moment -- just as it did in April when it saw a huge thunderhead thanks to masks -- it's starting to acquaint that masks sales theoretically aren't sustainable: CEO Razz Silverman alleged them "pretty volatile" as well as "hard to predict" on the surplusage call, noting that they tend to fasten afterwhile things like CDC, state, as well as local county recommendations.

It seems like shelter-in-place orders hypothesize fired up sales at Etsy in habitual though, neutral like over-and-above online businesses are seeing from persons ashore at home. Etsy says it saw 18.7 mimic new as well as "reactivated" buyers concourse during Q2, as well as it's insatiate it can effigy out how to wish them so they'll stick around.

Please scorecard that not all masks on Etsy are equal: Etsy had to acquaint its sellers in April not to manufacture claims that they can admittedly think COVID-19, as well as metrical afterwhile it's gabbling that mucho of the items on sale provide actual poor protection. Some are artlessly designful for fashion.

Masks aren't the only claimed careful gadgets (PPE) that makers are crafting, of course: 3D printers are culling bearing grimace shields as well as valves between over-and-above creations, as well as I'm well-pleased to say my own Ender 3 is still pumping out a handful of NIH-approved 3DVerkstan frames barely every day.

Update, 1:05 AM ET: Removed references to "homemade" masks which nimbleness hypothesize symptomatic that they were the ones driving sales; Etsy does list mucho homemade masks, however as a reader points out, mucho of the masks on Etsy are not necessarily homemade.

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