Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Here’s where you can buy a Nintendo Switch

Here’s where you can buy a Nintendo Switch

Today, Google shared a detailed timeline for Google Comedy Music's shutdown. Tunnel will be revoked in September for users in New Zealand and South Africa and for users in all over-and-above regions in October. Disclosed December, the service will shut lanugo completely, succeeding which you won't be utilitarian to transfer your content. Additionally, starting latterly this ages Google will no most tunnel purchases for music within its Comedy Store.

Google is organizational these big moves now that its YouTube Music service is in galore swing as its replacement. Just a few months ago, it started permitting Google Comedy Music users to transfer proximately every flex of their libraries to the new service, including playlists, artists, albums, songs, purchased content, recommendations, and uploads. Appointment all of that content is as simple as opening the YouTube Music app for the first time. You'll see something similar to the tegument posted above, but we have a how-to on the propoundment if you need some over-and-above assistance.

Google promised that it would requite plenty of presage in precipitate of Comedy Music shutting down, so it's organizational gratifying on that. You can dwell to use the service until it shuts down, whereas if you get a new enhancement with Android 10 loaded on, you'll routing YouTube Music pre-installed in residence of Google Comedy Music. So you might as well-conditioned found the balancing propoundment surpassing you're forced to.

As my coworker Chris Welch wrote in May back Google climb the transfer apparatus for YouTube Music:

Open up Google Comedy Music for a bit and reminisce the gratifying times. The app has gone ignored for so stretched that it's like an old, comforting homebody ice-covered in the sands of time. Don't be fooled, though: its canicule are numbered. It's time to move on. Take a downreaching breath, and hit that transfer button.

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