Friday, August 14, 2020

How romance scams are thriving during quarantine

How romance scams are thriving during quarantine

Games Done Quick's (GDQ) abutting big speedrunning marathon for lenience will plop off on Liturgical 16th at 11:30AM ET / 7:30AM PT on Twitch. This year's summer GDQ will be a bit diverse than past years considering of the pandemic: instead of taking place in a giant room full with people, it will be entirely virtual.

But neutral considering the event is online doesn't mean it should be any neath interesting than past years. The agenda is packed with runs, like a Hollow Knight race on Monday, Virtual Boy Wario Land Any% on Wednesday, and Super Smash Bros. 64 Breaks the Targets All Characters Blindfolded (!!) on Saturday. There's sustained to be some increasingly hidden gems in there. Hind all, half the fun of GDQ for me is neutral wholeheartedness into the streamlet whenever I can and watching the infeasible statistic on display.

GDQ has been hosting speedrunning events back 2010 to raise money for charity, and donations upon during abutting week's event will suture Doctors After Borders. Last year's summer GDQ upon $3,039,596 for the organization, which was a record at the time, except GDQ eclipsed that during the Crawly Games Done Quick event in January by bringing in $3,164,002 for the Visualize Cancer Foundation.

Summer Games Done Quick 2020 Online runs from Sunday, Liturgical 16th, until first in the morning on Sunday, Liturgical 23rd.

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