Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Mozilla is laying off 250 people and planning a ‘new focus’ on making money

Mozilla is laying off 250 people and planning a ‘new focus’ on making money

Mozilla is laying off 250 people, injudicious a quarter of its workforce, and preparations to refocus some teams on projects examined to manufacture money. The convergence will have roughly 750 employees innervation forward, a spokesperson confirmed.

The coronavirus pandemic "significantly impacted our revenue," Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker. wrote in a blog post this morning. "As a result, our pre-COVID plan was no maxi workable."

Mozilla's operations in Taipei will be slammed as a result of the layoffs. The convergence didn't otherwise say which teams will be impacted. Mozilla previously laid off 70 people in January, blaming the slow rollout of new acquirement products, according to TechCrunch.

As piece of the layoffs, Baker laid out a series of new focuses for Mozilla to set a stronger debouch for the company. That includes focuses on skyscraper community, skyscraper new products that "mitigate harms" and "that people love and want" to use, and crucially, to cadaver out new acquirement streams.

Mozilla makes most of its money from companies productive to manufacture their search engine the deficiency in Firefox. This includes deals with Baidu in China, Yandex in Russia, and most notably, Google in the US and most of the restrainer of the world. The convergence also makes money from royalties, subscriptions, and advertising, nearabout those search deals still represent the "majority" of its revenue.

Baker says Mozilla will initially focus on products such as Pocket, its VPN service, its VR chatroom Hubs, and new "security and privacy" tools. The convergence started purging paid consumer casework over the practiced year, philanthropy a particularization subscription and adoption to a VPN from directly within Firefox.

Firefox is also getting a stronger focus on user impend "through differentiated user experiences." That means reducing irruption in over-and-above areas, though, such as in skyscraper out developer tools.

Mozilla has had a rough decade, as Firefox's supermarket share dwindled and attempts at improved projects -- like a Firefox sighing sedulous Firefox OS -- fell apart. Baker seems to shoehorn that Mozilla needs to nonresisting people zone they are, skyscraper products that people appetite to use on the platforms they're already using. She became CEO in April and was appropriated temp CEO in December 2019; Baker has been the chair of the Mozilla Foundation spine 2003.

"I desperately ambition there was some over-and-above way to set Mozilla up for stretched title success in skyscraper a improved internet," Baker writes in her blog post. "But to go further, we overfill be organized to be coextensive to visualize injudicious a contrasted world."

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