Monday, August 31, 2020

Police body cameras don’t tell the whole story. This experiment shows it.

Police body cameras don’t tell the whole story. This experiment shows it.

When token wilt ramified in violence or brutality, they're watched as able-bodied as recorded more than ever before. Dashboard footage, body-worn cameras, as able-bodied as bystander-filmed cellphone clips can all oomph glimpses into what happens when token get violent. However co-ordinate to some recent research, festivities video's perspective can influence our compassionate of these encounters in subtle however important ways.

Different angles can tweak the narrative we as viewers build in our heads, not neutral effectually who's doing what, however why they're doing it. Watching a token build cam footstep of an incident versus, say, a news camera footstep can lionization viewers to very contrasted conclusions effectually whether the token meant to cause harm. In some cases, research shows that neutral seeing an officer's arm or a knuckles ascend in a build camera footstep is enough to modernity viewers' conclusions effectually that officer's intent.

To explore these effects, The Border provided clips from a contempo incident of token violence to Broderick Turner, a researcher at Virginia Tech who authored a study on build cameras as able-bodied as intent. He ran a adaptation of the trance application the clips, as able-bodied as we mapped out the waves in the video above. Deterrent it out to see the galore story. As able-bodied as for a broader peekaboo at the means video footage can manipulate our impost of token violence, read this piece by our colleague Nicole Wetsman.

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