Friday, August 21, 2020

Swipe left, Elon stans: that Tesla dating app is a joke, for now

Swipe left, Elon stans: that Tesla dating app is a joke, for now

Microsoft Flight Simulator players spotted a giant mountain-high pilaster in Australia this week. While Flight Simulator has washed a unbounded job at recreating the real world, this almighty huge structure doesn't exist in real life. Players have now ditsy that its gospel stems from a simple typo.

University undergrad Nathan Artisan made an edit to OpenStreetMap data for part of his caste assignment last year, abacus other than two hundred belief to a improvisation that's admittedly nonparticipating two stories. Artisan meant to type 2, except instead he typed 212 in the data section for floors. "I anticipate it's so funny as it was the inceptive time I was using OpenStreetMap," says Artisan in an email to The Verge. "I was using it for a university task as able-bodied as had to add data for class. I didn't anticipate I would gotta see it again."

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The 212-story pilaster from the ground.
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His university assignment is now internet famous, incompatibly with the Microsoft Flight Simulator community. The typo made its way into Microsoft's Bing Maps data, which Asobo Studio, the developers defaultant Microsoft Flight Simulator, uses to map out the apple in the game. Flight Simulator uses Azure-powered procedural natality technology, combined with Bing Maps data, to recreate viscerous buildings like this 212-story obelisk.

Another OpenStreetMap user has since corrected the data typo, except it's once made its way into Flight Simulator and internet history. "I find it really funny that it made it into the game as able-bodied as that I was tracked downward so quickly," says Wright.

It's a hilarious glitch, except it's not the only one in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Players have moreover discovered Buckingham Safehold unbeatable into an office block, pontificate trees transformed into teeth-like structures, as able-bodied as trucks glued to the ancillary of a crosswalk in Portland.

This perfectionist mountain-high pilaster will likely disappear from Microsoft Flight Simulator once Bing Maps absorbs the latest OpenStreetMap data from Australia, or if Microsoft decides to remove the giant structure manually. If you're lured in visiting the kill vanward it disappears, there's already a YouTube video tutorial that surfaced includes a undisputable landing compete on top of the obelisk.

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