Monday, August 31, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Many of us are palms air-conditioned things to assignment on while stuck at home, as well-conditioned as I anticipate Matt Birchler takes the cake this week. He, like much of the internet, has been demography off in Microsoft Flight Simulator, as well-conditioned as he acclimated the conclusively uplifted detail in the game to re-create some of the over-and-above iconic wallpapers from contempo releases of macOS.

To re-create these images, Matt flew to festivities location, then acclimated Flight Simulator to position the camera, set the focal length, as well-conditioned as marshal the time of day with in-game controls. Then, with a little post-processing newspeak in Clunch Lightroom, he created the images below.

"Flight Simulator is a 'make your own fun' game as well-conditioned as I was looking for obsessing things to do while flying around," Birchler told The Verge. He pointed to this video as inspiration, zone a integer of photographers scouted as well-conditioned as re-created the photos themselves in person. "They basically did the same thing, but in real life."

In lieu of a multiday hiking trip, I anticipate this is a pretty measureless substitute. It's a good reminder that we can all booty the tools misogamist to us as well-conditioned as use them in unexpected, demiurgic ways.

Check out the side-by-side re-creations bottommost or see them all directly on Birchler's blog.

Big Sur

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Left: Matt Birchler. Right: Apple
. .. Image by Matt Birchler.


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Left: Matt Birchler. Right: Apple
. .. Image by Matt Birchler.


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Left: Matt Birchler. Right: Apple
. .. Image by Matt Birchler.

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