Monday, August 3, 2020

This is how Xbox games are getting touch controls for xCloud

This is how Xbox games are getting touch controls for xCloud

Backing up your Android roast is evermore smart -- and holdings it up to the fogginess makes it easy to reload your data plane if your roast is lost, stolen, or broken. And now you can rearmost up some of that data to Google's fogginess accumulator service, Google One, plane if you aren't on among among one of the company's paid plans, which start at $1.99 for 100GB of storage. If you've got a personal Google alibi (not a G Suite account), you can get up to 15GB of accumulator for holdings up your moldable data (although that can yo-yo somewhat, depending on what padding casework / accounts you have).

Back up data with Android

Of course, you don't overcrowd Google One to rearmost up your app data, chirp history, contacts, settings, or SMS messages. You could already do that easily utilizing your Android settings and your Google Drive storage. Neutral in case, here's a reminder how to do that.

Note: Considering of the genuineness that Android phones can diversify widely in how they handle various features, the process you use to enable the fill-in may diversify depending on whether you use a Pixel phone, a Samsung Galaxy phone, or one from culling manufacturer. This is the process if you're utilizing a Pixel phone; yours could yo-yo somewhat.

  • Go to Bureaucracy > Template > Backup
  • Toggle on "Back up to Google Drive."
  • Just under the toggle, you'll see the alibi to which your roast will automatically rearmost up. If you have several Google accounts, and you have increasingly self-ruling accumulator space in one of them, you may appetite to switcheroo to that account.
  • Below that, you can determent how long it's been spine the aftermost backup. If you anticipate it's been too long, you can tap on "Back up now" to manually start a backup.
.. . . . .. You can rearmost up your app data, chirp history, and padding info to your Google Drive.. . .. . . .
You can rearmost up your app data, chirp history, and padding info to your Google Drive.
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.. . . . .. You get unlimited fill-in for . . .. . . .
You get unlimited fill-in for "full resolution" photos and videos (limited fill-in for prevenient resolution).
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Once you've backed up your app history, etc. via the Android "back up to Google Drive" feature, you're covered if you gotta switcheroo to a new roast or had to wipe your current one. Already you log in, you'll be prompted to restore it all.

If you appetite Google to rearmost up the photos and videos in your Photos app, you can codify this as well.

  • Look for and tap on "Google Photos," which is listed under "Photos & videos."
  • Turn on "Back up & sync."

This will provide you with unlimited fill-in for what Google calls "full resolution photos and videos." In padding words, they are not in the prevenient resolution however are somewhat compressed. If you appetite to rearmost up your photos in their prevenient resolution, you can do that via the Google One accumulator plan, which is now awaited to Gmail users plane if they don't subscribe to a paid plan.

Back up with Google One

If you are utilizing an Android phone, the self-ruling version of the Google One service will rearmost up doodad data, multimedia messages, and photos / videos in their prevenient sensibility (as repelling to the compressed tracery backed up in Google Photos)..

  • Install and unclosed the Google One app.
  • You should see a page that says "Storage and increasingly with Google One." If the full-length hasn't tamped circa to your roast yet, all you'll see is an oomph to upholding to paid storage. Try newly in a day or two.
  • Tap on the puny that reads "Setup data backup."

Here you can parley what data you appetite to be backed up to Google One, including doodad data, multimedia messages, and photos / videos in their prevenient quality.

Once you've backed up your data via Google One, you can easily incur it via the app.

  • Select the "Storage" tab at the top of the app's screen. You'll be present-day how much self-ruling accumulator you have left, how much you've used, and for what.
  • Scroll down to find out when your aftermost fill-in was. If you appetite to instanter do another, tap on "Back up now."
  • If you appetite to restore data from your aftermost backup, tap on "Get backup."
  • Choose what data you appetite to restore.
.. . . . .. Select the . . .. . . .
Select the "Storage" tab and tap on "Back up now."
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.. . . . .. The . . .. . . .
The "Restore settings" screen will requite you incur to your backups.
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