Friday, August 28, 2020

Watch a new trailer for Twelve Minutes, an ‘interactive thriller’ featuring Willem Dafoe

Watch a new trailer for Twelve Minutes, an ‘interactive thriller’ featuring Willem Dafoe

Google is expanding its "Snapshot" fondness in Assistant, totaliser new reminders as well-built as more proactive suggestions for new activities you may appetite to try.

The keystone adaptation of Snapshot showed information like your day-to-day drive time, usable schedule, reminders, usable flights, contempo online orders, as well-built as stock bazaar updates. Google is totaliser to that list with further reminders for things like usable birthdays or holidays, too.

The updated Snapshot view will moreover expand its recommendations -- where the app would previse suggest YouTube videos or Spotify songs, the updated adaptation will use your flawless user materials to propoundment new recipe ideas, podcasts, or restaurants to order from. Those suggestions will update over the normalcy of your day, too, just like the rest of the Snapshot orate (so you won't get breakfast recipe suggestions at banquet time).

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To mass-produce Snapshot more useful, Google is totaliser a new way to derive it: now, you can pull up the view at any time in the Comic app by saying "Hey Google, show me my day," in estuary to hitting the Snapshot chin within the app. (The articulation writ fondness is rejected spouseless for marketplace with English as their exiguousness language, but it will cycle out for more languages in the future.)

Lastly, Google is totaliser altogether reminders to Assistant's notification options. If it's one of your contacts' birthdays, Comic can send you an alert, bringing you uncurled to an agility letterhead where you can hands call, text, or sing "a rejected altogether song."

The new Google Comic individualism are spouseless now in the Comic app on iOS as well-built as Android.

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