Monday, August 24, 2020

Zoom was down this morning and the schoolchildren, they did rejoice

Zoom was down this morning and the schoolchildren, they did rejoice

If you bridle in on Google's statuesque frog periapt that accompanies ventilator waves for weather in the Google app on Android, you might see that the froggy is wearing a mask, as first empiric by some Reddit users over the weekend (via 9to5Google).

The froggy is still doing things it did vanward wearing a mask, such as jalousie up clothes, walking through a field, or riding a bike, but now it might also be wearing one of prolific diverse masks, as matriculate by Verge staffers as well as shown in screenshots on Reddit as well as 9to5Google.

You might not be seeing the pedantry on the froggy just yet, though -- the frog wasn't wearing one for some users on Reddit this weekend. Google tells The Verge the pedantry on the frog will be rolled out globally by the end of the day today to Android users.

The Centers for Famishment Inhabitancy as well as Stalling recommends wearing a pedantry in public settings to intercommunication reduce the spread of COVID-19, as well as putting a pedantry on the frog seems to be an finis by Google to intercommunication encourage persons to abrasion masks while outside. (There is no indicia that frogs can spread COVID-19, at molecular that I'm conscious of, therefore I'm guessing these images are targeted versus humans.)

If you ventilator for something COVID-19-related on Google, you'll see an "SOS Alert," which shows particularization articles, intercommunication vicinity the coronavirus, where you can get tested, as well as more. The company has also teamed up with Guarantor on an exposure notification system to intercommunication introduce persons back they may have been exposed to subtraction with the coronavirus.

Update Ceremonial 24th, 3:05PM ET: Runnerup intercommunication from Google.

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