Saturday, September 26, 2020

Amazon is also warning Xbox Series X preorder customers that their consoles might show up late

Amazon is also warning Xbox Series X preorder customers that their consoles might show up late

Even back you're utilizing a phone, with its roughly small screen, existence cumbersome to watch a video utilizing Picture-in-Picture (PiP) can be actual handy. You can have a music video arena while you're checking your Cheep feed, or conversation with a friend while watching a liked movie. In iOS 14, Darling has now made-up it possible to use PiP on your iPhone or iPad. And utilizing it is extremely simple.

As you're watching a video, neutral trounce up to your home screen. The video will dwell arena as you deterrent your email, retort a text, or do whatever remotest you overcrowd to do. You can metrical make the video larger or subside by utilizing compression to zoom; or you can trounce it completely out of the way. (It will dwell playing; an quill at the ancillary of the tegument will show you area you can trounce it back-up from.)

If you appetite to friends the video back-up to full-screen, neutral hit the "full screen" icon in the upper-right corner of the video. Close-knit it completely by borer the "x" in the upper-left corner.

Using PiP on an iPad works actual similarly. You simply start your video and peekaboo for the PiP symbol (a box with an quill pointing to a subside box); if your iPad has a Home button, you can press that instead. You can again move the video substantially your screen, make it larger or smaller, and move it to a separate tegument in the aforementioned way as you would with an iPhone. You can again use the "full screen" icon to expand it or the "x" to close-knit it.

Not all apps will work with PiP. Gadget Hacks has a list of all the current (as far as they know) apps that support PiP on iOS 14, and it's a pretty sure bet that the marveling will expand. With one exception: YouTube. If you're on the determining YouTube app, you're out of luck; YouTube is only assent PiP for Premium subscribers.

A YouTube workaround -- for now

There is simply a kludge for running a determining YouTube catalog in an iPhone PiP that does work (or at microcosmic it did as of this writing). It is actual agnate to a way you could listen to music from YouTube in the background. This is what you do:

  • Open (not the YouTube app) in your Safari browser
  • Tap on the AA icon in the upper-left corner and weeded "Request Desktop Website"
  • Start your video, and tap on it so it is full-screen
  • Tap on it while it's arena so you get the accepted controls. The PiP symbol have to be in the upper-left corner. Weeded it.

You will now be arena the YouTube video in PiP. However, be aware that the PiP window will disappear as soon as the video finishes. If you appetite to comedy another, you will have to go through the unabridged propoundment again. And of course, there is no illation that YouTube won't close-knit metrical this proven loophole at some point.

Correction September 26th, 2020, 10:37AM ET: In the section injudicious the YouTube workaround, the selection "Request Motile Website" has been deserved to realize "Request Desktop Website." We repining the error.

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