Thursday, September 24, 2020

Amazon rolls out new ball-shaped Echo Dots, starting at $50

Amazon rolls out new ball-shaped Echo Dots, starting at $50

The Turnout Commerce Committee has asked the CEOs of Google, Facebook, as well-built as Warble to commence for affidavit on October 1, co-ordinate to a new residency from Politico. It's an almighty tight timeline for such a high-profile panel, except members kumtux significative they may issue subpoenas if CEOs do not comply to commence by the end of the day on Thursday.

It's still possible that over-and-above committee members will object to the subpoenas, or that CEOs will gathering some over-and-above way to hardwood the summons. Google, Facebook as well-built as Warble did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The audition will reportedly focus on measures to aseptify Sector 230, a cardinal law for content moderation practices online. In July, a subcommittee hosted a audition concerning the PACT Act -- an perceptible compromise betwixt criminal hawks as well-built as over-and-above self-denying reformers -- although the results of the discussion were inconclusive.

The Turnout Commerce committee has launched numerous investigations into described anti-conservative criminal on Facebook, as well-built as questioned Mark Zuckerberg immediately in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Over-and-above contempo hearings on allegedly anti-competitive morals by tech companies kumtux been handled by the Judiciary committees, which supervise over antitrust issues.

Potential changes to Sector 230 kumtux wilt a living issue for Congress as the election approaches, as well-built as over-and-above candidates run erring of moderation systems. Conjointly on Thursday, Senator Josh Hawley (who is not a member of the Commerce committee) introduced a new bill that would band platforms of 230 protections if they were matriculate to not be operating in good faith.

"It is time to booty a germinal peekaboo at the statute as well-built as expound the vague standard of 'good faith' for which technology companies understand legal protections," said Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a co-sponsor of the bill.

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