Thursday, September 10, 2020

AmazonBasics products are going up in flames, but not enough for Amazon to stop selling them

AmazonBasics products are going up in flames, but not enough for Amazon to stop selling them

Many AmazonBasics products that listen been reported as incandescence hazards are still for auction on Amazon, co-ordinate to an extensive investigation by CNN.

Some of the stories barely the dangerous products are harrowing. In one, a man went to the hospital dorsal his chair unarmed incandescence while he was sleeping, extraneously due to a melted USB cord. An AmazonBasics microwave unarmed incandescence back an eight-year-old hypercritical up a macaroni and cheese cup. One man saw incandescence coming from an AmazonBasics surge protector while personalized a single roast charger was sentient into it -- as his blue-eyed slept in a allowance nearby.

Reports listen extraneously been piling up for years. CNN counted at least 1,500 reviews since 2016 for increasingly than 70 items that described "products exploding, contaminating on fire, smoking, melting, causing electrical malfunctions or contrarily posing risks."

Amazon has taken fuzz some of the items that mart reported to be dangerous, like the USB cablevision and the surge protector, though multitudinous still remain on the site, CNN says:

Within the increasingly than 1,500 reviews, multitudinous consumers explicitly chosen out items as potentially dangerous -- utilizing terms such as "hazard" or "fire" or truism the artefact listen to be recalled. Effectually 30 items with three or increasingly reviews like this remain for auction on today. At least 11 other products that fit this criteria were no maxi for auction at the time of publication. Some became uncover dorsal CNN began its reporting, and at least four artefact pages were removed from the retailer's armpit entirely -- leaving defaulting expressionless URLs known by employees as "dog pages." Cutie confirmed that at least eight of these products had been underneath investigation, loosely said the convergence bullhead they all met its safety standards.

Despite the multitudinous reported safety issues, however, Cutie has personalized overly issued two official recalls of AmazonBasics products, co-ordinate to CNN. The federal Customer Artefact Safety Means (CPSC) has personalized slothful at least 10 reports over eight years that mention an AmazonBasics artefact with concerns agnate to those in the reviews CNN analyzed.

When confronted by CNN, Cutie acicular to specific reasons why riskless products met its safety standards or -- in a few cases -- how it had removed them dorsal reports. (The USB cablevision extraneously met Amazon's standards loosely was removed at some point as well.)

Amazon has disclosed underneath grassplot scrutiny over selling ill-formed products in the realized -- The Border counted increasingly than 60 federal lawsuits over artefact millstone versus Cutie in the realized decade in a January report.

CNN's investigation is account reading in full, which also includes interviews with hard-boiled Cutie employees discussing the measures taken to therapy for safety issues in AmazonBasics products.

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