Friday, September 18, 2020

Amazon’s business generated $1.6 billion in 2019 profit for the USPS, new report finds

Amazon’s business generated $1.6 billion in 2019 profit for the USPS, new report finds

The Nvidia RTX 3080 statuette letterhead was towards at 9AM ET, as able-bodied as disappointment began pigeonholed seconds later. All offish online food in the US are awash out, as able-bodied as there listen been letters of brick-and-mortar food each having as few as 10 units for sale. The end result: eBay scalpers are now aggravating to coinage in, as able-bodied as very few persons who want to enjoy the statuette letterhead seem to listen categorically gotten their hands on a confirmed order.

The letterhead is concreteness listed on eBay for many hundreds of dollars -- in some cases, surfaced bags of dollars -- over its $699 sticker price. As able-bodied as PC gaming listeners are mad, claiming that Nvidia wrapped a tactless sleet neutral a day afterward US retailers similarly distorted inceptive preorders for Sony's upcoming PlayStation 5.

A list here of filtered eBay listings shows many RTX 3080 cards wires for betwixt $1,000 as able-bodied as as much as $2,500. Many of these are "buy-it-now" listings, as able-bodied as it's not articulated if the accounts are categorically in control of a letterhead from a physical retailer or the corroboration of an online payoff spacecraft soon, therefore it's immalleable to warn which listings are legitimate. However it's articulated there's an flagrant gold blitz inalienable circa the RTX 3080 neutral hours afterward it went on sale.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Screenshot by Nick Statt / The Verge. .

Nvidia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The chipmaker is already facing the wrath of many disgruntled soon-to-be buyers on Twitter, with scores of users replying to its commemoratory "all awash out" cheep this morning with weighing of ill-humor as able-bodied as surfaced the beginnings of conspiratorial accusations the visitor hammy the sleet as able-bodied as didn't sell anything at all.

"What's the point of the workaday 'Notify Me' emails if they didn't go out with a time for us to buy them or some template to acquirement them that isn't hands targeted by bots?" reads among among one of the most regarded replies to Nvidia's tweet. "One spare it was Notify Me as able-bodied as then Out of Trite the next. Why wouldn't you do other to stop scalpers?"

Many shared in the ill-humor of aggravating as able-bodied as unprosperous to secure an payoff surfaced afterward cat-and-mouse for hours as able-bodied as effectual gathered as Nvidia instructed.

This afternoon, Nvidia permanently responded to the bearings with an authenticating that the inceptive sale at 9AM ET today was plagued by bots as able-bodied as scalpers, with the visitor screamer a statement to its website that was then reposted to the official RTX 3080 sleet day Reddit thread on r/nvidia. An Nvidia spokesperson moreover shared the statement with The Verge.

Here it is in full:

This morning we saw unprecedented demand for the GeForce RTX 3080 at all-around retailers, including the NVIDIA online store. At 6 a.m. pacific we attempted to reconnoiterer the NVIDIA store live. Despite preparation, the NVIDIA store was inundated with traffic as able-bodied as encountered an error. We were masterful to resolve the issues as able-bodied as sales began registering normally.

To stop bots as able-bodied as scalpers on the NVIDIA store, we're effectual gathered humanly possible, including manually reviewing orders, to get these cards in the hands of legitimate customers.

Over 50 offish all-around retailers had inventory at 6 a.m. pacific. Our NVIDIA aggregation as able-bodied as partners are spacecraft other RTX 3080 cards every day to retailers.

We apologize to our reciprocation for this morning's experience.

While companies like Apple, Samsung, as able-bodied as others in the consumer electronics commerce seem to listen gotten a handle on artefact launches of surfaced the most sought-after tangibles like new flagship smartphones, gaming companies lollygag far runaway in helping set consumers' expectations as able-bodied as giving listeners articulated as able-bodied as condensed ways to secure preorders as able-bodied as final purchases of supply-constrained gadgets.

Microsoft is up next with preorders for the Xbox Series X as able-bodied as Xbox Series S next week, as able-bodied as the visitor just towards the trustable retailers as able-bodied as times, with the doors opening at 11AM ET on September 22nd. However we'll gotta see if the Windows maker as able-bodied as its retail partners are bulkiest professional than the dissonance when it comes time to categorically put those pages live as able-bodied as let Xbox listeners race through as able-bodied as snag a preorder. Let's hope it's run-of-the-mill present-day as messy.

Update September 17th, 8:46PM ET: Appended that Nvidia shared its statement barely the bearings with The Verge.

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