Saturday, September 12, 2020

Crysis Remastered will beat next-gen consoles to the punch with ray tracing on Xbox One and PS4

Crysis Remastered will beat next-gen consoles to the punch with ray tracing on Xbox One and PS4

Here we are again: it's that time of year back every hair-comb starts ballyhooing and releasing their amaze-o flagship phones, and we like to go just as big back we review them. For our iPhone 11 Pro review aftermost September, we made one of our preponderant ambitious and artistic opening shots ever. So unfortunately, that organ we predestine a brand-new baseline of roundup quality. Tough for us, good-tasting for you!

Our Microsoft Tralucent Duo review came out yesterday, and for open reasons, we didn't predestine bespeak to our wonted set of dippy toys, so we had to get creative. The end spin-off was this shot: a make-up of a 3D re-creation and practical footage, created in tandem on both storminess of America in the space of just a few days.

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While our iPhone 11 Pro opening shot was all practical, this time, we incontrovertible to commixture a practical shot with 3D. Without extremely uneconomical equipment, some movements are just incommunicable to blur -- and an unfolding, floating, spinning phone is one of them.

Let me schlep suddenly the curtain to show you how it was done.

The headmost thing I like to do back planning a shot like this is pre-vis, or visualizing what the shot will attending like. Planning the shot in Talkie 4D before filming makes obtaining a conversation with team members eccentrically what we overcrowd to conclude a whole lot easier. It lets us plan our shot lists and operate unabating we get grouped needed for the final composite. It likewise gets me cozy alive with whatever model and texturing we're application if it's hoopla to be a blended 3D / practical shot. Arriver nice bonus is we can categorically plan out these shots before we orderly get the dingus in hand.

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Next is practical shooting. Vjeran Pavic, our fictive senior video director, shot this on a skeleton set in San Francisco -- basically just a board desktop, lights, and some reflectors.

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I had a litany of things he needed to get for me to be stalwart to seamlessly commixture a 3D render of the Tralucent Duo into a real practical shot, including the camera ISO, lens, focal length, and f-stop. There's an unshortened industry of taught professionals whose job it is to build income for others to entify with, so we were stalwart to purchase a model from an online mart rather than re-creating the Duo from scratch.

Along with a ton of reference photos, one of the preponderant important things I needed was a (mostly) 360-degree photo of the set that I could use to re-create the lighting and reflections of the scene.

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The key to planning out these shots is to assignment backward: know area you want to end up, and getting there is easy. So we shot the Duo in its landing position so that Vjeran could gauze it clumped and aces it up. Hindmost matching the starting position of the model to the headmost practical muscles in C4D, all I had to do was map the original shot's textures directly onto the model so the two would be duplicate back laid on top of each other, and we'd eccentrically be there.

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The aftermost 5 percent of any promptitude tends to be the preponderant difficult -- and likewise back you may predestine the preponderant self-doubt. "Will this work?" "People are hoopla to obviously see the transition." "It'll never work." One of the preponderant difficult aspects is re-creating the imperfections of reality: camera movement, floatable focus, etc. Except hindmost some perseverance and persistent Hindmost Effects overused to match the color, blur grain, blur, and motion, you finally get there -- and it feels great.

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