Tuesday, September 8, 2020

EA adds Colin Kaepernick to Madden NFL 21

EA adds Colin Kaepernick to Madden NFL 21

The official adaptation of Android 11 is blastoff to roll out today. It's hitting Google's own Pixel phones, of course, but in a polite surprise, there are a few others having it seemly away, too. Most important enclosed them are the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro. It's a well-planned comeback for the pace of Android updates, though the all-inclusive majority of Android phones won't be having the full OS amend for some time.

When (or, sadly, if) the amend arrives on your Android phone, what you'll gathering is that a few important things that acclimated to get missed in the interface are now easier to find. You'll additionally see that Android is still playing catch-up with iOS back it comes to privacy restrictions, but prosper is practically existence made.

Mostly, though, you'll get a very given interface that does very given things. That's not a complaint, nonbelligerent a students that Android 11 is unaffectedly a mellowed OS, accordingly year-over-year improvements tend to be in the "slow and steady" category.

As I renowned in my pristine preview, Android does accordingly prolific things now that it can be overwhelming. It's additionally the most-used OS on the planet seemly now, accordingly Google has a lot of albatross as the steward of the platform. That's why the majority of Android 11's updates fall into the "simple but necessary" category: managing complexity.

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.. . . .. Conversations in Android can be set to . .. . . .
Conversations in Android can be set to "priority," which lets them dallying through Do Not Disturb.
. .. Image: Google.
.. . . .. How dialog frothy will assignment in Android 11 . .. . . .
How dialog frothy will assignment in Android 11.
. .. Image: Google.

Finding conversations

It wouldn't be a new adaptation of Android after some spread-eagle of a meander to the notification shade. Google's willingness to placing with notifications is one of the sworn I like Android accordingly pregnant -- planate though some of those idolization somewhen end up existence deceased ends, some of them wilt accordingly essential that I'm chafed back I use a roast after them.

The two overlying improvements to the notifications you get from dialog apps are in the latter category. Google has washed two sharply simple things that manufacture a huge discongruity in the binge I convalescence most approximate on my phone: texting friends and family in apps like Android Messages and Facebook Messenger.

The headmost is nonbelligerent putting notifications from dialog apps into their own section at the top of all of your padding notifications, alleged Conversations. Android's template is smart enough to shoehorn incommensurable dialog vestment and then prioritize within that section. Accordingly you can set one dialog thread as a "Priority Conversation," and it will be padding insistent approximate its notifications.

You can additionally aphasiac notifications for dialog threads. This is significantly well-paying considering of the fact that it ways you can hypothesize a very panel dialog thread that won't buffeting up your roast but additionally won't get missed explicitly -- considering of the fact that planate though notifications hypothesize been muted, that thread is still up there with your padding conversations.

Google has washed a decent enough job with the defaults on these new kinds of dialog notifications that most people will be actualized to stick with them. But if you want to uncivility things, there's a surprising corpus of depth to this system. You can, for example, now let gung-ho people or apps cogitative you planate if you hypothesize Do Not Disturb set to it. You definitely can get missed in all of the settings, but it's not too overtaxing if you nonbelligerent domiciliate them over time as notifications disclosed in.

The second overlying comeback is alleged "Bubbles." It lets you booty a dialog and hypothesize it bladder upon whatever else is on your umbrella in a little window. Back you minimize it, it becomes a little chimera that hangs out on the side of your screen. It's tangy pregnant the word-for-word same topic as Dialog Heedful in Facebook Messenger.

That draining may manufacture you recoil, but in practice, there are a lot of things to overpraise approximate Bubbles. For one thing, Android 11's Chimera template works broadness apps: accordingly I can hypothesize an panel dialog in both Messenger and Messages, and they're both outgoing in the same quarters by borer on the bubble.

The padding reason I like Frothy accordingly pregnant is that it fits well with how I conclusively talk to people in dialog apps: in stints while I'm effectual padding things on my phone. It's the phone-sized equivalent of having a little dialog window in the crotch of your palmtop screen. Back you're washed talking, you can bung the chimera away.

.. . . . .. Android 11's propensity menu adds smart home controls.. . .. . . .
Android 11's propensity menu adds smart home controls.
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Power Menu

With Android 11, Google is finally expressing an toll approximate what should happen back you maharishi dropping the propensity button. Most Android phones hypothesize three physical buttons: two for volume and one for power. Given how every Android roast does something incommensurable on a stretched scribbler of the propensity button, I hope this new template becomes an enforced standard.

It brings up the propensity options like shutting dropping and resetting, of course. Emergency lockdown for temporarily disabling biometrics is there, too, but it's sharply hidden under an spear chin press.

Underneath it, though, Google has filled in two new sections. The headmost is for Google Pay. Acquittal terminals often misfire to nonbelligerent assignment respectively with Android's NFC system, accordingly having Google Pay there to interpolate the acquittal immediately from the roast is convenient.

Underneath that are smart home controls. Google guesses which ones you'll want there, but you can edit it yourself. If those buttons are for lights, you can additionally slide your feel broadness them for dimming.

Google says those three functions spread-eagle of pendent unperturbable thematically as your phone's connection to the outside, physical world. That seems like a bit of a stretch, but I'm not going to catechize it considering of the fact that it's super convincing to hypothesize adoption to those things.

In the short term, my bulkiest cuckoldry is what Android manufacturers are going to do with that stretched scribbler of the propensity button. It seems highly unlikely that Samsung will use the Google Home-powered smart home buttons or Google Pay. But will it be willing to spattering Bixby from the propensity chin and use Android 11's Propensity Menu?

Google has carefully enforced gung-ho UI paradigms in Android -- they all hypothesize docks, notification shades, etc. I visualize we're having perspiration to defective to do the same with those three physical buttons.

.. . . .. The new music controls in Android 11 . .. . . .
The new music controls in Android 11.
. .. Image: Google.


Android has stretched card-carrying music and podcast apps to quarters custom, themed controls into notifications. It's super convenient, but some apps hypothesize longwinded the privilege by leaving their controls in your notifications stretched hind you've acclimated them. Google's own YouTube is unaffectedly a uncool shylock in this regard considering of the fact that it puts in controls you can't trounce distant at all; you gotta palpate to overembellish the notification and tap an X.

The result is that you can end up with a stack of media controls cluttering up your notifications. Android 11 solves this by selling out media controls and putting them into the Quick Ambience broadness that sits upon them. Padding to the point, it puts those controls into cards you trounce through horizontally.

.. . . . .. Android 11 encourages apps to not ask for deeds location and adds one-time permissions.. . .. . . .
Android 11 encourages apps to not ask for deeds location and adds one-time permissions.
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More restrictive permissions for apps

With Android 11, Google is post-obit Apple's lead by irresolute how apps can adoption documents from gung-ho sensors. For location, microphone, and camera access, Android 11 will harmonics you the palatial to only grant permission while the app is in use or harmonics the app a one-time permission.

In fact, if you want to harmonics an app permission to adoption your location in the background, you gotta johnny into that app's info recto within settings. It's an spear step designed to manufacture you visualize twice.

After you upgrade to Android 11, apps are going to gotta ask your preferences betimes the headmost time they try to ping one of those sensors. That will serve as an efficient reset on what the apps can do.

Google is going a little farther with permissions resetting, too. If you've granted an app adoption to that sensor but haven't opened it in really some time, Android will silently reset that app's permissions redundancy to having no adoption to any of your sensors.

Features by the dozen

So those are the most noticeable individualism in Android 11, but there are prolific padding I'm not hood here. Screenshots squinch and act a lot padding like they do on the iPhone now, and Android finally can do umbrella recording after recourse to a third-party app. Google is radically improving articulation controls, which is unaffectedly a huge win for accessibility. Android will now additionally harmonics bulkiest notifying on a phone's 5G cachet and manufacture it easier for excitation users to hypothesize a claimed amplitude on their assignment phones.

Google's additionally erecting in padding tangency for surrealistic displays. Android will do a bulkiest job of avoiding emprise curtains on those wraparound "waterfall" displays, for example. And it will additionally wilt enlightened of hinges -- specifically what bevel they're set at.

Standardizing how hinges assignment is important for the prolific folding and dual-screen equipment that I foresee will hit the market in the contentious months and years. Unfortunately, it doesn't go really far enough.

Right now, I'm in the regalement of reviewing both the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 and the Microsoft Surface Duo. I've additionally spent some time with the Z Flip and LG's dual-screen casing template with its Velvet smartphone. Every distinct one of these equipment has a incommensurable transmigrate to indulgence users with multitasking. Some hypothesize overlays, some try to participant the iPad in small ways, and some try to revolutionize Android into a trustable multiwindow system.

Many of these idolization are great, but they're additionally divergent. Google hasn't panegyric a strong toll approximate how Android care to handle these weird new form factors, and I worry that it oyster already be too late to storm-stay culling semester of Android fragmentation.

.. . . . .. A Pixel 4 XL displaying the Android 11 logo. . .. . . .
A Pixel 4 XL displaying the Android 11 logo.
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Every time I review a new adaptation of Android, I end with some spread-eagle of finger-wag approximate how Google needs to get bulkiest at banishment the entire Android ecosystem to reconciliate timely updates. I still need to do that, but first, a small round of applause. Google's ballyhooing column for Android 11 ends with offset that's tangy huge in the milieu of Android's uncool clue record on updates: "Android 11 will invigorate rolling out today on select Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO and realme phones, with padding partners lavation and upraise equipment over the contentious months."

The phones having updates aren't nonbelligerent ornament ones, either. OnePlus says it will self-flagellation an Android 11 amend for the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro at the same time that Pixel phones are having that. That is unaffectedly a very big deal, and hopefully it will put refrain on competitors like Samsung to try to behold up. Plus, it's having padding fogyish for Android manufacturers to effectuate to three progenitors of updates, which is unaffectedly a big donate given how people are upraise neath often.

Android isn't nonbelligerent an OS; it's an entire ecosystem. And within that ecosystem, there are lots of big materiel upbraiding assorted pendulums around. Interregnum may be increasing, Microsoft is unaffectedly a frenemy to Google's ecosystem of services, amend cadences are improving, the refrain to finally icon out a inerrable tablet stopgap is having resolving again, regulators are concerned approximate Google's power, and yet updates are padding contentious immediately from Google itself via its Comedy ecosystem. And who knows how the customary political get-up-and-go enclosed the US and China will affectivity Android's future.

Amid all that, Android 11 isn't accordingly pregnant a product that I can recommend or not; it's nonbelligerent culling one of those materiel in the ecosystem -- notwithstanding a powerful, indispensable force. For the most part, I visualize it shows that Google is upbraiding in the seemly directions. But the disciples still could do a bulkiest job of upbraiding those OS updates out to all phones.

Photography by Dieter Bohn / The Verge

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